Centralized data front end.accdb Change Request

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see the Development Documentation Category for other development logs

This article contains requested changes for Centralized data front end.mdb. See Centralized data front end.mdb Change Log for it's change log.


Other change requests

Preventing inappropriate edits by data processor

  • Currently if processor not careful, will be able to accidentally add ADL or TASK for ICU patients. Other than being careful, how do we avoid?
    • I kept the editing interface as wide open as possible for the data processor to make sure that whatever unexpected things we may ask her to do, she can do. If we want something tighter, we will need to decide what that would be.
  • ICU variables should be unavailable for med records and vice versa. Easiest would be to change the patient viewer and put program-specific data into their own tab. Could leave both tabs available for editing or hide one depending on value in r_location. Thoughts?
  • Could apply the same error checks to e.g. Apache entries. Problem is that these are usually applied at bulk when setting patient to complete. To do them earlier has led to problems and repeat-triggers with some checks, especially ones that compare entries in different fields.

Where should s-tables live

Temp Studies - multiple rows

  • Listing multiple rows of information when looking in Tmp studies via the binoculars. email sent to tina and Brad. Feb 25.14.

other spot that might contain requirements...

TMSX MedTMS to Centralized go-live

update process

When Trish and Pagasa edit front end queries, they put the .mdb at X:\CCMDB\centralized_FRONT_End with a different name starting with a "!". The queries will then be imported on the master next time it is updated. We will need to put a reference, likely into the requested changes for front end article to tell which queries need importing.

After go-live

Email Generator