"Vet all sent" button

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The "Vet all sent" button on the Patient List form in CFE will change the RecordStatus field for all records where it is currently "sent" to "vetted". It should only be used as part of the Centralized data Vetting Process.


Make sure all records with problems have had the RecordStatus field set to "questioned" so the remaining ones that are set to "sent" are clean and can be set to "vetted".

  1. Press the "vet all sent" button.
  2. The program will display a count of how many records have each of the RecordStatus possibilities.
    • take note of the "sent" number and click OK
  3. The program will tell how many records it is about to update. 'you are about to update ___ rows'
    • If this number is the same as the number of sent records, click OK, if not click cancel and try to figure out what is wrong.
  4. This will change all records currently set to "sent" to "vetted".