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Data Element (edit)
Field Name: Ap_CO2
CCMDB Label: CO2
CCMDB tab: not stated
Table: L_Log
Data type: number
Length: single
Program: CC
Created/Raw: Raw
Start Date: 1988-07-11
End Date: 2300-01-01
Sort Index: 69

PCO2 (or PaCO2) is the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the patient's arterial blood in mmol/L.

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It is an element of the Arterial blood gas (APACHE).

Collection instructions

There are special collection instructions for Arterial blood gas (APACHE), refer there for further info.

Apache Physiological Variable
variable name partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood
unit mmol/L
absolute max allowed 440
warning max 285
high score 4
high score 3
high score 2
high score 1
score 0 AaDO2
low score 1
low score 2
low score 3
low score 4
AP phys warnMin 2
AP phys absMin 2


This value is used to generate the APACHE Score.

Collecting Apache physiological variables

There are some specific rules to follow in choosing which one of several lab results to collect.

See APACHE physiological variable collection for details.

Cross Chcks

Rules described in APACHE_physiological_variable_collection#Exceptionally_high_or_low_values are implemented by Check APACHE physiological variable high low.