Wiki Adoption Survey May 2008

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Below is a summary of what people said in the survey I had asked you to fill out, followed by the full responses and finally a discussion section. Please feel free to edit any session other than the full responses, as they are direct quotes. Do feel free to discuss them, though.


16 people responded to the survey. This number was probably brought down by a glitch that initially disabled a second survey to be entered from a single PC.

Most people have looked at the wiki by now, but only two have either edited or created an article.

Some people appear to be looking for a clean and concise top-down communication tool; questions would be posted with answers when answers have been determined. More people seem to be hoping for a place where questions are asked, discussed and answered. Topics wanted were coding and technology.

There seemed to be a general uncertainty of how the wiki is or should be used, and how one should monitor change on the wiki. One discrepancy in in review frequency, with some people thinking it should be reviewed several times a day, and some once a week.

There was some concern about breaking things if an edit were attempted.

Time and lack of familiarity or training as major obstacle in using the wiki. Several people would like an inservice.

Full Responses

Yes/No questions

DATE of Survey: May 2008

Question # Yes # No
1. Have you read anything on the CCMDB wiki yet? 14 2
2. Have you contributed to any article on the CCMDB wiki yet? 2 14
3. Have you created a new article on the CCMDB wiki yet? 1 15

What is one most important thing you would like to see on the CCMDB wiki?

(sic as submitted)

  • unsure
  • answers to any questions other data collectors have and the thread of the conversations. You can tell if it applies to you by the examples they give and the situations they describe.
  • diagnostic coding questions
  • clear easy to read and understanding the terms used
  • updates & clarifications
  • PDA info, questions other people have and the answers. Basically what it is set up for now.
  • I would like to see each code posted so that data collectors could get some tips on how to code properly.For example septic shock has specific criteria that is often overlooked when coding.The ultimate goal city wide should be consistency in coding.
  • Directions step by step to solve PDA problems
  • clear guidelines for collection, continued updating of new ideas and information, platform for questions and answers.
  • If webmail is for STAT info then Wiki is for discussion and sharing education items.
  • Any changes to the collection process
  • share information in regards to coding ie)infections & bugs ie)how you code a situation
  • communication

What is one most important way you would like to see the wiki used to improve communication?

(sic as submitted)

  • unsure
  • that it should become routine to check it every time you arrive at work to see if there is anything new. or even several times per day in case things change.
  • just need to incorporated it in our practice
  • Letting all know that communications will be going through the wiki (we found by accident that Trish had left a communication about her vacation here)
  • If someone has a query they should start a discussion
  • Have not used it enough to maybe answer this question. I still rely on e-mails but I am missing other collectors input when just using e-mails. Mainly from you and Trish
  • Data collectors would go the site to find current information on each work day.
  • If other team members have questions re:coding diagnosis's and have clarified with Trish to let us know so we don't repeat the process.
  • back and forth interaction of ideas
  • Consistency and uniformity in our data collection
  • Easier to figure out how to use it.
  • updates on new stuff
  • collection changes

What is one most important obstacle (if any) that prevents you from using the wiki?

(sic as submitted)

  • getting used to format and time as still using the email etc.
  • just that I forget to check it.
  • none
  • Out of my comfort zone. Can I just go ahead and see what I can do or will I mess it up for the next person who tries to w=use it.
  • it is very "busy" lots of hunting for information, that will probably get better the more I use it
  • I don't know how to use it yet. I would like a hands on inservice on it.
  • time to use it in a busy work day.
  • Inconvenient to check routinely. Difficult to know if there is anything new that needs to be seen.
  • none,except for time. I will only be checking it once a week. I am watching articles and receive e-mail.
  • lack if inservice afraid of making mistakes on it and unable to erase errors not comfortable with it we need time to use it
  • time constraints
  • Time is number one, I do not find it simple to use and I become frustrated
  • I have been to busy. collecting all ICUs at HSC. Do not really understand how to use it. I find it confusing. Lois
  • time constraints...I haven't had any time to look at this at all yet.
  • time
  • difficulty navigating

Survey Monkey