Combined ICD10 codes
To code some diagnoses as part of ICD10 collection, several lines of entries in the Patient viewer tab ICD10 need to be grouped together.
To group diagnoses together, use the same Dx Priority for all of them.
Coding instructions
- There are numerous situations in which multiple codes need to be listed in order to accurately reflect what's going on medically.
- For some situations it's just a matter of ensuring that the multiple codes are all in the diagnosis list.
- For other situations the multiple codes need to be linked together (we use the term "combined").
- For some entities there is no single ICD10 code, and the only way to code that entity is to combine two codes. An example is that to identify Retroperitoneal hemorrhage one must link two codes Hemorrhage, NOS and Retroperitoneal area, diagnostic imaging, abnormal. So, alongside each of those is a message about this.
Malignancy with Metastasis
- Here, code BOTH the primary site and the location(s) of mets -- and these need to be combined because the codes for mets don't specify the primary site, only the site of the mets.
- There are codes for mets to the following places:
- If the site of the mets isn't in the list, use Site NOS, metastatic malignancy to it (also code primary site)
Infections, Antibiotic Resistance
- There are some single infection codes that incorporate the organism in the name, e.g: Salmonella enteritis
- But for most infections, they don't, e.g: Pneumonia, bacterial
- In these cases it is required to combine with the infection code the code for the organism from the "buglist"
Template:Combined dx AB resistance
Trauma with mechanism
see also Coding fractures in ICD10 Template:Discussion not yet integrated...
Other co-codes?
Template:Discussion Are there others? What are they?
General instruction when to code together
Primary Diagnosis within Combined Codes
Transition notes
Yes, this different from how we used to use dx priorities where they had to be unique.
The records are combined by same L_ICD10.Dx Priority.