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eChart's terms of use don't allow us to use it for data collection.

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  • Explanation: eChart's terms of use don't allow us to use it for data collection.
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Stop Date: January 25, 2018. Stop using eChart. Legacy Data Collection

  • Dr. Allan Garland has followed up on the matter. The Data in eChart is an accumulation of data that comes from lots of other sources that is in one location. For each of those sources there is a data sharing agreement in place. These data sharing agreements only allow for data in eChart to be used for direct care only. Even if they wanted to, they are unable to make a unilateral decision to allow us to use it for other purposes.
  • There is a potential to support other purposes such as, quality improvement, surveillance, reporting and approved research however, at this time, the design and infrastructure of eChart does not contain the necessary security and privacy layers or policy framework to allow for broader use.
  • They will take Dr. Garland points to the Information Management & Analytics Transformation Working Group meeting, to ensure that future intended solutions down the road, will support and perhaps allow for these “other” purposes. Trish Ostryzniuk 15:37, 2018 January 25 (CST)

eChart can be accessed two ways, either independently from MY citrix or within the EPR. Within the EPR when you access a patient’s chart there is also a tab for eChart.

  • As per list received by Trish on September 1, 2017, all collectors have access under their user network user login and password.

eChart training on LMS

IMPORTANT: All staff must complete the training, 2 modules in LMS before using eChart.

  • eChart Fundamental - online
  • eChart Overview - online

Usage agreement – use only permitted for patient care

According to their usage agreement, eChart can only be used for patient care. Our program provides support for patient care as part of overstay. That project only included Medicine patients, so we can only use eChart if you are doing medicine patients. For collection this means: only access eChart to fill in information for the stay on a medical ward. If the patient came from an ICU you can refer to information for that stay only for entering data into the medicine collection.

  • The distinction seems kind of odd from a practical perspective, but this is the way we are legally allowed and were given permission to use the eChart data.

Privacy Officer

p:Trish Ostryzniuk

  • gets intermittent usage report to audit and review.

what kind of information do you obtain?

What type of information do you get from eChart that you cannot get on EPR?


  • all collectors have access as of Sept 2017.


  • minimal use of eChart - report last used 2017-Sept (one user)
    • We are able to use eChart and EPR
      • Here at the Vic EPR is not running fully like at StB so we use both eChart and EPR if we cant find results in one we check the other. So far micro and xrays are easy to find on eChart compared to EPR.
        • Short answer is I find no difference between EPR and eChart in terms of results reporting that I am aware of,other than to say that eChart viewing may be site specific and is formatted differently than EPR. EPR is used by most (?all) sites and some sites have more information available on EPR than others in terms of IPN, vital signs, etc. depending on what stage they are at.
          • Hi guys, Trish here....not sure what your are talking about in paragraph above. eChart and EPR are different. First note indicated you only use it for radiology reports and Micro. DI viewer is what staff are suppose to use for Xrays.
            • I don‘t have much to add to the list. I have looked up chest xray results as well as the other mentioned diagnostics.--p:Michelle Lagadi-May 1.15


  • Stephanie: Use on very odd occasion
    • I access via tab on EPR rather than desktop icon
  • One collector "sometimes" able to access, intermittent issues - last used Sept 2017
    • all have access as of Sept 2017


  • I find it a less cumbersome site to navigate than EPR and would find it much easier to do lab tallies should we ever go paperless at SOGH. When I attempt to log in from my laptop, I am denied access even though I have a password that works when I am working at other computers.--Lpruden2 09:09, 2014 October 7 (CDT)
    • last used July 19.17


  • We do not have access to eChart.--CMarks 14:46, 2014 November 13 (CST)
    • noted that Judy had logged into eChart Oct/Nov twice? Judy talk to Trish. Trish Ostryzniuk 14:22, 2016 November 17 (CST)
      • all have access as of Sept 2017.


  • I do not use E chart as I find everything that I need on EPR and the paper chart combination. --LKolesar 12:48, 2014 October 8 (CDT)
    • I would like to be able to access E chart just to see if it has some benefit to our program. I am at a disadvantage because I have never seen it. --LKolesar 10:44, 2014 November 17 (CST)
      • last used Nov 2014 by 2 collectors & one collector May 2016
        • collectors all have access as of Sept 2017.


The shortcut ends up on all desktops automatically now, but I think the laptops would need to be added to the permission list. I have emailed the service desk to find out more. Adding discussion tag to put in question category for follow-up. Ttenbergen 10:13, 2014 October 9 (CDT)

As per Tong Lin from eHealth:

  • Some of the WRHA desktop might not have an eChart icon on the desktop, but everyone should able to access eChart through Internet Explorer by going to link.
  • For access eChart from different sites, since eChart is a web based application, as long as you are in a WRHA site on WRHA network, you can access eChart as long as the username is given rights to.

Further info?

  • Toll Free: 1.855.203.4528
  • Fax: 204.926-9148
  • Global address:
  • 200 - 355 Portage Ave
  • Winnipeg, Manitoba
  • R3B 0J6