Pharmacy collection

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Revision as of 17:37, 2011 December 14 by Ttenbergen (talk | contribs)
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these instructions are to come into effect 2012-01-01
please test as you get a chance!
  • Collect pharmacy data for critical care patients admitted after midnight 2012-01-01 into the Pharmacy Flowsheet.
  • Stop collecting pharmacy the old way at the same time.
  • If a profile has some collected by the old method and some by the new method that is OK. They will be additive.
  • As of Jan 1, 2012 @ 0001 hrs, only the new flowsheet for pharmacy will be used.

The Data Collector in the Medicine Program do not collect any pharmacy information.

Template:Discussion what does a new collector need to know to collect pharmacy correctly?Ttenbergen 19:13, 8 December 2011 (CST)

How to enter the data

In the Patient viewer, go to the Pharm_flow tab. Enter the number of days for which a drug was given (not collecting doses any longer).

You don't need to list entries for a given day, the lines are there only allow you to break down your work if a patient stays for a long time.


  • double-click into a cell to up it by 1 (or in case of 0/1 drugs, to toggle between 0 and 1
  • hover over a cell to get a popup with the drugs that are part of any of the groups we collect

TISS / Pharm corellation

The following items on your pharmacy form should be confirmed against the corresponding items on the TISS:

  • inotropes, heparin, antiarrythmic marked in you history notes and pharmacy form (Tiss items 67, 68& 69 )
  • check that TISS # 76 or 77 is marked against the antibiotics on the MAR
  • check that Tiss 71 is marked when pt had potassium via central line;
  • check #70 is marked if patient is on Vasopressin.


Template:Discussion which of these are still relevant? pls. just remove ones that no longer are.Ttenbergen 19:02, 8 December 2011 (CST)

temp note - delete after Dec 2011

Streptomycin was initially listed as to-be-collected for both aminoglycosides and anti-tb drugs; discussed with Dr. Garland and we will collect this only under anti-TB drugs. Ttenbergen 16:09, 9 December 2011 (CST)

Data Integrity Checks

None as of now, but I will add some as we get used to this. For example:

  • each patient has to have at least one line of no entries

things to finish before go-live