Pharmacy collection

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these instructions are to come into effect 2012-01-01
please test as you get a chance!
  • Collect pharmacy data for critical care patients admitted after midnight 2012-01-01 into the Pharmacy Flowsheet.
  • Stop collecting pharmacy the old way at the same time.
  • If a profile has some collected by the old method and some by the new method that is OK. They will be additive.
  • As of Jan 1, 2012 @ 0001 hrs, only the new flowsheet for pharmacy will be used.

The Data Collector in the Medicine Program do not collect any pharmacy information.

Template:Discussion what does a new collector need to know to collect pharmacy correctly?Ttenbergen 19:13, 8 December 2011 (CST)

How to enter the data

In the Patient viewer, go to the Pharm_flow tab. Enter the number of days for which a drug was given (not collecting doses any longer).

You don't need to list entries for a given day, the lines are there only allow you to break down your work if a patient stays for a long time.


  • double-click into a cell to up it by 1 (or in case of 0/1 drugs, to toggle between 0 and 1
  • hover over a cell to get a popup with the drugs that are part of any of the groups we collect
  • When reviewing the MAR you may find it helpful to make a pencil mark after the drugs you have counted up to so that when you look at it again, the same drugs are not duplicate counted.
  • The date automatically is put into the line when you enter a number under the specific drugs. This also helps to keep track of when you last counted drugs.
  • For the blue colored drugs you only need to put a "1" in the box if it ever was used during the patient stay. If it is left blank it means it was not used. We do not need the number of days for these specific drugs.

Drugs Collected

see Drugs Collected

TISS / Pharm corellation

The following items on your pharmacy form should be confirmed against the corresponding items on the TISS:

  • inotropes, heparin, antiarrythmic marked in you history notes and pharmacy form (Tiss items 67, 68& 69 )
  • check that TISS # 76 or 77 is marked against the antibiotics on the MAR
  • check that Tiss 71 is marked when pt had potassium via central line;
  • check #70 is marked if patient is on Vasopressin.


Template:Discussion which of these are still relevant? pls. just remove ones that no longer are.Ttenbergen 19:02, 8 December 2011 (CST)

temp note - delete after Dec 2011

Streptomycin was initially listed as to-be-collected for both aminoglycosides and anti-tb drugs; discussed with Dr. Garland and we will collect this only under anti-TB drugs. Ttenbergen 16:09, 9 December 2011 (CST)

Data Integrity Checks

None as of now, but I will add some as we get used to this. For example:

  • each patient has to have at least one line of no entries

things to finish before go-live