Septic Shock Order Set
Projects | |
Active?: | legacy |
Program: | CC |
Requestor: | Allan Garland |
Collection start: | 2018-04-26 |
Collection end: | 2018-09-14 |
Legacy Content
This page contains Legacy Content.
- Explanation: Tmp project ended
- Successor: No successor was entered
Click Expand to show legacy content.
The Septic Shock Order Set project tracks the compliance in using the Standard Septic Shock Order Set FORM in HSC MICU and HSC SICU.
- Goal: Background & Data Use
Data Collection Instructions
for which patients to code
- HSC MICU and HSC SICU patients who have an Admit Diagnosis of Shock, septic (Septic Shock in old dx set)
- dx may or may not be Primary Admit Diagnosis
how to code in CCMDB TMP
For every qualifying patient enter:
- Project: SepticSet
- Item / Column N: enter one of the following
- filled
- not filled
- Date: physician's order date on the bottom of the form
- Checkbox: if no date was found, check the checkbox
- do not record a physician order date in TMP if the septic order set is unfilled
Where to seek this info in the HSC paper chart
- As of April 2018, this is a single paper page order set. To help you search for it in the paper chart, it's recommended you take a look at the front desk and find out what it looks like.
- The most likely place to look is with the other order sheets. BUT before concluding that it's not present at all, you must leaf through the entire chart.
Start and End Dates
- Start Date: Monday 2018-04-26
- End date: Friday 2018-09-14
- 76 records had been collected
- See query "L_tmp_SepticSet" in CFE for current count
Report Date
2018-07-27 - 50 record max reached, which was the goal. Analysis sent to p:Dr Allan Garland by the statistician. A follow up email was also sent requesting that after reviewing if project if to continue to stop.
2018-09-14 - 76 records - follow up email been sent to p:Dr Allan Garland, on the status of his review of the data to him by the statistician. Confirmed stopping of project.
Background & Data Use
- This data element will help with an ongoing Quality Improvement project whose goal is to increase use of the Sepsis order set. It has been around for over a year, but is rarely used. The purpose of the project is to audit and find out compliance in the use of this order set.
- Dr. Farhaj Siddiqui, fellow.
- Project vetted by attending physicians.
- approved by DB Steering Committee on April 9.18
Data Integrity Checks (automatic list)
none found
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