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    This table has 198 rows altogether.

    !Nursing Discharge Screening Tool WRHA January 2014.pdf (edit)
    !Transition Coordinator Assignment Sheet.pdf (edit)
    1 1997ClinicalInvestigationsInCritiCareCityWideAnalysisCommonLabTests.pdf (edit)
    13054 2016 1328 Fig2 HTML.jpg (edit)
    1987 Jan StartOfICUDataBaseProgram(2).pdf (edit)
    1989 RoyalCollegeEFFECTofValueImprovICUResoureUse.pdf (edit)
    1991 ATS AbstEffectOfResourceMgmtSystemICU LAB.pdf (edit)
    1991 Lancet controlling Blood Gases in ICU.pdf (edit)
    1993 CriticalCareMedicine NoHeadlines.pdf (edit)
    1995 64th RCPS POSTER Compare ICUPatternsCosts2Centers.pdf (edit)
    1995 64th RCPSC POSTER ApacheLabPharmCostSurvVSnonSurv.pdf (edit)
    1995 64th RCPSC POSTER LabTes...U DoesAdmitHospAffectCOST.pdf (edit)
    1995 64th RCPSC PosterCharacteristicsOfICUPtsWhoDied.pdf (edit)
    1995 Bell.D.CompareICUAntibUse&CostPneumoniaTwoICUs.pdf (edit)
    1996 Anil Dhar ICUadmit afterCPR(2).pdf (edit)
    1CriticalCareMedicine Nov1992PostProceduralChestRadiographs.pdf (edit)
    2 1999CardiovascularMedicinePostOpLabImagingInvestigations.pdf (edit)
    2006 DurationOfLowBP&AbRxdelay.pdf (edit)
    2007 STB MED OverFlowCodingProcessChart.pdf (edit)
    2008 AcuteKidneyInjuryInSepticSchock.pdf (edit)
    2009 initiateInapproprABX5foldSurvReduct.pdf (edit)
    2010 CombineAntibSeptic shockMetaRegressStudy.pdf (edit)
    2011 FHussain DRoberts Hsp Surv CardioShock MI.pdf (edit)
    2012 24HrPilotStudyIntensivistPresenceICU.pdf (edit)
    2012 AccuracyAdminDataIDTimingICUCDNProv.pdf (edit)
    2012 ATS Poster COPD final.pdf (edit)
    2012 MEDwardsAdmitHIVpatientsWPG.pdf (edit)
    2012 SeizureCardiaPostOpTranexamicAcid.pdf (edit)
    2016 NEW master BLANK data collection logsheet.pdf (edit)
    2016 SepticShockESRDAntiBTxMortality.pdf (edit)
    2019-12 bake off trophy.JPG (edit)
    2MASTER PHARM C HSC List jan 29 07.pdf (edit)
    3catswalking xmas.gif (edit)
    8d Infection code map Mar 14 2006 2006 8d.pdf (edit)
    Access Editing.png (edit)
    Accreditation Award Leading Practice Medicine Database.pdf (edit)
    ACP status collection examples status and source.pdf (edit)
    AdmittingOrdersforICU.pdf (edit)
    Aexclaim.gif (edit)
    Animated-Checklist.gif (edit)
    Animated-gif-happy-new-yearz backblack 21.gif (edit)
    APACHE II DX categories.pdf (edit)
    ApacheII MacroDX code map.pdf (edit)
    Appendix for ITISS study Nov12th.pdf (edit)
    Attach button.JPG (edit)
    BedCensusAnnouncement Letter May 2012.pdf (edit)
    Benzos-table-2.png (edit)
    Binoc button.png (edit)
    Bmjopen-2014-005501.ALERT SCALE.pdf (edit)
    Bug question.gif (edit)
    Bug.gif (edit)
    BugSquash.png (edit)
    Cant-assign-value error.JPG (edit)
    CC Data Request Form.pdf (edit)
    CCI.jpg (edit)
    CCMDB 2015 timePlace.png (edit)
    CCMDB 2015 timePlace.svg (edit)
    CCMDB 2016 timePlace.svg (edit)
    CCMDB Description.pdf (edit)
    CCMDB Description.png (edit)
    CCMDB link icon.png (edit)
    CCMDB Poster 2018 v0.4.pdf (edit)
    Ccmdb starter.bat error.png (edit)
    Centralized data.mdb not found. Contact the main office and find out if it is off-line right now.png (edit)
    Characteristics of Pneumonia in patients with HIV.pdf (edit)
    Charlson ii article page 2 19 items with points.JPG (edit)
    Checkmark.gif (edit)
    Christmas icons 09.gif (edit)
    CJASN edlerly ICU ESRD.pdf (edit)
    Close notes run time error.gif (edit)
    Coffee.png (edit)
    Coll.png (edit)
    COLLECTION Request form ICU Medicine Database.pdf (edit)
    Combine-or-replace.JPG (edit)
    CriticalCareMedicine Oct1993 EliminateNeedlessTesting ICU2.pdf (edit)
    Cuffed inflated tracheotomy tube.png (edit)
    Dancing20snowman.gif (edit)
    Data processor.svg (edit)
    Dataf Output How to open in Excel.pdf (edit)
    Deleting.JPG (edit)
    DirectAdmit2.ppt (edit)
    Discharge Planning Screening Tool.pdf (edit)
    Discuss@task.png (edit)
    DrAnandKumar SepticShock WAVE article.JPG (edit)
    Early intravenous unfractionated heparin and mortality in septic shock.pdf (edit)
    Easter too.png (edit)
    Easter12.gif (edit)
    FamilySatisfactionSurvey CodingForm.pdf (edit)
    FAQ-01-june.gif (edit)
    Finding your version of MS Access.png (edit)
    Fireworks.gif (edit)
    Form Individual Site Bed example .pdf (edit)
    Form Site Bed Data Summary.pdf (edit)
    Grapher.gif (edit)
    Greensheet CRITICAL CARE.pdf (edit)
    Greensheet MEDICINE.pdf (edit)
    HappyHolidays.gif (edit)
    Hapycolr4.gif (edit)
    Hifrosty.gif (edit)
    High ICU Occupancy and Morbidity (Sept-15-09).pdf (edit)
