!Nursing Discharge Screening Tool WRHA January 2014.pdf (edit) |
!Transition Coordinator Assignment Sheet.pdf (edit) |
1 1997ClinicalInvestigationsInCritiCareCityWideAnalysisCommonLabTests.pdf (edit) |
13054 2016 1328 Fig2 HTML.jpg (edit) |
1987 Jan StartOfICUDataBaseProgram(2).pdf (edit) |
1989 RoyalCollegeEFFECTofValueImprovICUResoureUse.pdf (edit) |
1991 ATS AbstEffectOfResourceMgmtSystemICU LAB.pdf (edit) |
1991 Lancet controlling Blood Gases in ICU.pdf (edit) |
1993 CriticalCareMedicine NoHeadlines.pdf (edit) |
1995 64th RCPS POSTER Compare ICUPatternsCosts2Centers.pdf (edit) |
1995 64th RCPSC POSTER ApacheLabPharmCostSurvVSnonSurv.pdf (edit) |
1995 64th RCPSC POSTER LabTes...U DoesAdmitHospAffectCOST.pdf (edit) |
1995 64th RCPSC PosterCharacteristicsOfICUPtsWhoDied.pdf (edit) |
1995 Bell.D.CompareICUAntibUse&CostPneumoniaTwoICUs.pdf (edit) |
1996 Anil Dhar ICUadmit afterCPR(2).pdf (edit) |
1CriticalCareMedicine Nov1992PostProceduralChestRadiographs.pdf (edit) |
2 1999CardiovascularMedicinePostOpLabImagingInvestigations.pdf (edit) |
2006 DurationOfLowBP&AbRxdelay.pdf (edit) |
2007 STB MED OverFlowCodingProcessChart.pdf (edit) |
2008 AcuteKidneyInjuryInSepticSchock.pdf (edit) |
2009 initiateInapproprABX5foldSurvReduct.pdf (edit) |
2010 CombineAntibSeptic shockMetaRegressStudy.pdf (edit) |
2011 FHussain DRoberts Hsp Surv CardioShock MI.pdf (edit) |
2012 24HrPilotStudyIntensivistPresenceICU.pdf (edit) |
2012 AccuracyAdminDataIDTimingICUCDNProv.pdf (edit) |
2012 ATS Poster COPD final.pdf (edit) |
2012 MEDwardsAdmitHIVpatientsWPG.pdf (edit) |
2012 SeizureCardiaPostOpTranexamicAcid.pdf (edit) |
2016 NEW master BLANK data collection logsheet.pdf (edit) |
2016 SepticShockESRDAntiBTxMortality.pdf (edit) |
2019-12 bake off trophy.JPG (edit) |
2MASTER PHARM C HSC List jan 29 07.pdf (edit) |
3catswalking xmas.gif (edit) |
8d Infection code map Mar 14 2006 2006 8d.pdf (edit) |
Access Editing.png (edit) |
Accreditation Award Leading Practice Medicine Database.pdf (edit) |
ACP status collection examples status and source.pdf (edit) |
AdmittingOrdersforICU.pdf (edit) |
Aexclaim.gif (edit) |
Animated-Checklist.gif (edit) |
Animated-gif-happy-new-yearz backblack 21.gif (edit) |
APACHE II DX categories.pdf (edit) |
ApacheII MacroDX code map.pdf (edit) |
Appendix for ITISS study Nov12th.pdf (edit) |
Attach button.JPG (edit) |
BedCensusAnnouncement Letter May 2012.pdf (edit) |
Benzos-table-2.png (edit) |
Binoc button.png (edit) |
Bmjopen-2014-005501.ALERT SCALE.pdf (edit) |
Bug question.gif (edit) |
Bug.gif (edit) |
BugSquash.png (edit) |
Cant-assign-value error.JPG (edit) |
CC Data Request Form.pdf (edit) |
CCI.jpg (edit) |
CCMDB 2015 timePlace.png (edit) |
CCMDB 2015 timePlace.svg (edit) |
CCMDB 2016 timePlace.svg (edit) |
CCMDB Description.pdf (edit) |
CCMDB Description.png (edit) |
CCMDB link icon.png (edit) |
CCMDB Poster 2018 v0.4.pdf (edit) |
Ccmdb starter.bat error.png (edit) |
Centralized data.mdb not found. Contact the main office and find out if it is off-line right now.png (edit) |
Characteristics of Pneumonia in patients with HIV.pdf (edit) |
Charlson ii article page 2 19 items with points.JPG (edit) |
Checkmark.gif (edit) |
Christmas icons 09.gif (edit) |
CJASN edlerly ICU ESRD.pdf (edit) |
Close notes run time error.gif (edit) |
Coffee.png (edit) |
Coll.png (edit) |
COLLECTION Request form ICU Medicine Database.pdf (edit) |
Combine-or-replace.JPG (edit) |
CriticalCareMedicine Oct1993 EliminateNeedlessTesting ICU2.pdf (edit) |
Cuffed inflated tracheotomy tube.png (edit) |
Dancing20snowman.gif (edit) |
Data processor.svg (edit) |
Dataf Output How to open in Excel.pdf (edit) |
Deleting.JPG (edit) |
DirectAdmit2.ppt (edit) |
Discharge Planning Screening Tool.pdf (edit) |
Discuss@task.png (edit) |
DrAnandKumar SepticShock WAVE article.JPG (edit) |
Early intravenous unfractionated heparin and mortality in septic shock.pdf (edit) |
Easter too.png (edit) |
Easter12.gif (edit) |
FamilySatisfactionSurvey CodingForm.pdf (edit) |
FAQ-01-june.gif (edit) |
Finding your version of MS Access.png (edit) |
Fireworks.gif (edit) |
Form Individual Site Bed example .pdf (edit) |
Form Site Bed Data Summary.pdf (edit) |
Grapher.gif (edit) |
Greensheet CRITICAL CARE.pdf (edit) |
Greensheet MEDICINE.pdf (edit) |
HappyHolidays.gif (edit) |
Hapycolr4.gif (edit) |
Hifrosty.gif (edit) |
High ICU Occupancy and Morbidity (Sept-15-09).pdf (edit) |