Wiki login not redirecting to original link

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If one is not logged into the wiki, and follows a link to a specific article, one gets the login page instead.

In the past, one would have got redirected to the original URL upon logging in. At some point that stopped, and now one is redirected to the main page.

This means that the news-and-backup program is redirecting properly only for people who are already logged onto the wiki.

Tina needs to troubleshoot and fix. One option would be to "whitelist" the page, meaning it would open even if not logged on. Conversely we might want to think of "blacklisting" only those pages that have personal information. Or, there might be a simpler solution once I start looking.


We had customized the page MediaWiki:Loginreqpagetext at some point to direct people to Trish for login info. That redirect was breaking the returnto functionality.

content of broken page:

You must $1 to view other pages. 

If you have an account on this wiki, please  log in. 

If you have forgotten your password, click the "Email Password" button on the  login screen. 

If you don't have an account on this wiki, please contact Trish Ostryzniuk.

This means the customized content is gone from that page. We can add it elsewhere if it is required, I suspect it really isn't.