Reverting back to an older version of CCMDB.accdb

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Access databases can become corrupt. This page tells how to identify this and recover from it in our setting. Generally we don't troubleshoot these, we revert to an earlier working version, re-apply the changes as per Change log, and roll out the changes

Identifying a corrupted version

The following things might tell you that you have corrupted version.

  • error messages that sound IT related, and that are addressed not on this wiki specifically when you search for the text
  • the file size is significantly different, usually larger (it is usually around 12-13,000 KB); this means the regularly scheduled compact-repair isn't working, usually an early sign of corruption
  • CCMDB.accdb requires password when closing
  • Julie or Pagasa have problems with re-connecting

Fixing the issue

The only solution seems to be to revert to an earlier version and re-apply the changes that were done. If the changes were extensive it might be quicker to import the module/form/etc that was changed from the corrupted version, but that too can be tricky. This happens to Tina during programming about once a month, but isn't usually encountered by others since they don't work with the code or data structures.

  • In the Regional Server\Programs\Master\Versions" (full address: \\\WRHA\REGION\SHARED\ICU_DATA_COLLECTION\Programs\Master\Versions"), check the previous versions for one that is a normal size
  • close database if you currently have it open
  • copy the clean version and put it on the desktop
  • rename to CCMDB.accdb, removing the postfix we apply to old versions
  • open this copy and test to make sure it doesn't have the problem
  • reapply any changes (look at the Log)
  • copy this new version from the desktop and put it in the C:\ccmdb_program, overwriting the broken version that is currently there
  • delete the clean version from the desktop
  • follow the usual steps for Rolling out changes

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