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To identify ALL patients who are treated with therapeutic hypothermia following a [[Witnessed Cardiac Arrest | Cardiac Arrest Witnessed 100-2]] or [[Unwitnessed Cardiac Arrest | Cardiac Arrest Unwitnessed 100-1]].  By identifying all patients that receive this therapy '''a further audit can be done to identify if therapy was appropriate or not'''.
|explanation=Will be included in ICD10
*NOTE: this field does not include other populations which cooling is used for. Only cardiac arrests.
|successor=[[Targeted Temperature Management (TTM)]]

=={{G | Guidelines}}==
[[Task Team Meeting - Rolling Agenda and Minutes#ICU Database Task Group Meeting – November 8, 2018 | DB task meeting minutes Nov 8.18]]-- User:TOstryzniuk|Trish Ostryzniuk]] 13:41, 2018 December 24 (CST) -->
For any ICU patient with a '''witnessed or unwitnessed cardiac arrest''', code the [[ICU Var 2 - BRR]] variable as follows:  

*'''BRR''' - cooling protocol was applied (BRR stands for "Brrrr" as in shivering or cold)
** Note: '''Do not code BRR when a cooling protocol is used to normalize temperature for any type of NON CARDIAC ARREST patients!'''
| Project = {{PAGENAME}}
| ProjectActive = active
*'''XBR''' - means no cooling protocol applied for cardiac arrest patient
| ProjectProgram = CC
** by coding XBR rather than leaving the variable empty we can automatically cross check that this was not just missed
| ProjectRequestor = Dr. Dean Bell/Dr. Kendiss Olafson

{{TT | question =
* start and stop date should be in table? [[User:TOstryzniuk|Trish Ostryzniuk]] 13:56, 2018 December 24 (CST)
** yes, it's somewhere on my list to change all the tmp project templates to have the dates built in. Tagged now so staying on the list. }}

'''BRR/XBR''' is an entry we use to identify whether patients are receiving therapeutic hypothermia [[Targeted Temperature Management (TTM)]] following a '''cardiac arrest''' according to the [[Cardiac Arrest Cooling Protocol]]. By identifying all patients that receive this therapy a further audit can be done to identify if therapy was appropriate or not.
We do '''not track cooling for reasons other than cardiac arrest'''.

*"We want to capture all patients who are cooled post '''cardiac arrest''' '''''whether they meet criteria or not'''''.  A significant portion of patients following cardiac arrest do not meet ALL the criteria however, based on the available evidence it is reasonable to consider cooling them.
== Guidelines / Collection Instructions ==
For any ICU patient with one of the following diagnoses:
* [[Cardiac arrest]]

*The rationale for the code XBR is to identify those patients who had a cardiac arrest but '''were not cooled''' regardless if they met criteria for cooling or not. XBR was implemented after an audit of cardiac arrest was done and it was found that there were several cardiac arrests coded that were missing code BRR.  By leaving Variable 2 blank for a cardiac arrest, it is not clear to Kendiss or Julie whether a data collector missed tagging it or if indeed cooling was not applied.  Coding XBR indicates to both Kendiss and Julie that a collector verfied that the cooling protocol was not applied.    '''See Purpose at the top of this article'''.[[User:TOstryzniuk|Trish Ostryzniuk]] 17:43, 2012 June 18 (CDT)
or pre-ICD10:
* [[Witnessed Cardiac Arrest]]
* [[Unwitnessed Cardiac Arrest]]

==Context: Cardiac Arrest Cooling Protocol==
Code in TMP follows:
*Target temp: '''32°C to 34°C''' for '''12 to 24 hours'''.
* Project: Cooling  
**'''BRR''' (BRR stands for "Brrrr" as in shivering or cold)
*** cooling protocol was applied at any point post arrest
**'''XBR''' - no cooling protocol applied

Taken from the Hypothermia Protocol:
'''Do not code BRR or XBR''' when a cooling protocol is used to normalize temperature for any type of '''non-cardiac arrest''' patients.
*Cooling is indicated if '''all''' of the following are checked: 
**Cardiac Arrest
**Initial rhythm ventricular fibrillation/tachycardia(Dx code: 131-4, or 131-1)
**Time to ACLS <15 minutes
**Total ACLS time <60 minutes
**Persistent [[Glasgow Coma Scale]] < or = 9
**Systolic BP currently over 90 mmHg (pressors allowed)
**< 8 hours elapsed since Return of Spontaneous Circulation (ROSC)
*After reviewing these instructions I do not think I am doing this right.  I have been only coding BRR or XBR whether cooling protocol was used or not after a cardiac arrest.  The criteria above and Kendiss' note indicate that XBR should only be used if the all the criteria listed above are met and still not cooled.  Please clarify if this is indeed the way this should be done.  If this is correct then there may be some cardiac arrest patients where neither BRR or XBR would be used.
--[[User:LKolesar|LKolesar]] 07:26, 2012 April 27 (CDT)

See also [ Therapeutic hypothermia] on wikipedia.
== CCI ==
[[Task Team Meeting - Rolling Agenda and Minutes#ICU Database Task Group Meeting – October 3, 2018]] confirmed that we can stop collecting this when we start collecting CCI [[Targeted Temperature Management (TTM)]]. We may want to import the old entries as CCI codes? Ttenbergen 00:19, 2018 October 10 (CDT)

==Data Integrity Rules==
== Cross Checks ==
If [[Witnessed Cardiac Arrest | Cardiac Arrest Witnessed 100-2]] or [[Unwitnessed Cardiac Arrest | Cardiac Arrest Unwitnessed 100-1]] in [[Admit Diagnosis | '''admit''']] or [[Acquired Diagnosis / Complication | '''complications''']] diagnosis field then '''both''' the following '''must''' also be marked:
see [[Check BRR/XBR vs cardiac arrest dx]]
*[[ICU Var 2 - BRR]] – “BRR” or “XBR”
*[[TISS]] item [[TISS Neurological | T6-hypothermia/hyperthermia blanket]]
*changes made.--[[User:TOstryzniuk|TOstryzniuk]] 17:58, 26 August 2009 (CDT)

=== Start Dates and other historical information ===
== Background ==
* collection was started '''August 2004'''
=== '''Start Dates''' ===
* XBR and [[CCMDB.mdb]] cross checks were added to detect occasions where entry was just forgotten/missed '''March 19.09'''
* '''2004 August'''
* XBR and [[CCMDB.accdb]] cross checks were added to detect occasions where entry was just forgotten/missed '''March 19.09'''
* reviewed with Kendiss Olafson and Dean Bell.--[[User:TOstryzniuk|TOstryzniuk]] 17:58, 26 August 2009 (CDT)
* reviewed with Kendiss Olafson and Dean Bell.--[[User:TOstryzniuk|TOstryzniuk]] 17:58, 26 August 2009 (CDT)
* cross-checks changed to include [[Unwitnessed Cardiac Arrest]] '''August 27.09'''  
* cross-checks changed to include [[Unwitnessed Cardiac Arrest]] '''August 27.09'''  
* moved from ICU Var 2 into TMP on Dec 18, 2014

[[Category: ICU Variable Codes]]
=== '''Stop Date''' ===
[[Category: Data Integrity Rules]]
'''2018 Dec 31'''
[[Category: Arrest]]
*Stop in TMP.  All patient still in unit after this date, code as: [[Targeted Temperature Management (TTM)]]
=== Why the code XBR? ===
The rationale for the code XBR is to identify those patients who had a cardiac arrest but '''were not cooled''' regardless if they met criteria for cooling or not. XBR was implemented after an audit of cardiac arrest was done and it was found that there were several cardiac arrests coded that were missing code BRR.  By leaving Variable 2 blank for a cardiac arrest, it is not clear to Kendiss or Julie whether a data collector missed tagging it or if indeed cooling was not applied.  Coding XBR indicates to both Kendiss and Julie that a collector verfied that the cooling protocol was not applied. 
=== removed 12 hr requirement ===
Discussed at task 2018-04-11: we are removing the 12 hr requirement because the use and application of the protocol has changed since inception and this restriction is no longer reasonable.
== Related articles ==
{{Related Articles}}
[[Category:Project ICU only]]

Latest revision as of 16:07, 5 May 2020

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