Transfer Tracker.mdb: Difference between revisions

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TOstryzniuk (talk | contribs)
TOstryzniuk (talk | contribs)
transfer tracker use - Collectors please comment
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*We have had discussions about putting additional items in transfer tracker. ALL collectors, please indicate if you use it or not. 
==Use it==
==Do not use it==
==Suggestions for added items to transfer tracker and how it who help==
==current issue as pointed out by staff==
==current issue as pointed out by staff==
{{Potential Change}}
{{Potential Change}}

Revision as of 14:02, 30 April 2015



  • We have had discussions about putting additional items in transfer tracker. ALL collectors, please indicate if you use it or not.

Use it

Do not use it

Suggestions for added items to transfer tracker and how it who help

current issue as pointed out by staff

Template:Potential Change

  • for various reasons, staff are not always doing news and backup onto the network BEFORE sending or after adding new profiles before they go home at the end of a shift. If new profiles are entered, completed, sent and deleted BEFORE a news and backup is done, then these profiles will not show up in transfer tracker. If new profiles are entering during the shift and you don' t do news and backup BEFOREyou go home, then the information needed by other staff via transfer tracker is not avaiable. Transfer tracker draws from backups that are done on network. Staff backup practice is not consistent, therefore transfer tracker is not always useful. Tina may have some thoughts on process change. Trish Ostryzniuk 12:40, 2015 February 6 (CST)

Scheduled Task

Is located in Main office on the SCANNER PC as of: March 12, 2015.

what is it?

Transfer_Tracker.mdb is a repository of patients currently under collection on our wards or discharged from collected ward within the last 7 weeks. The amount of time for which data is retained is limited since this is patient information and we can't keep it indefinitely without a good reason.

It is used by data collectors in the Regional to cross check transfer locations, discharge dates/times of clients between hospitals in the city.

You can find the transfer tracker.mdb at

Regional Server\Output\Transfer_Tracker.mdb

It gets its content from the backup files.

  • Data is automatically updated from the laptop backup files on the Regional Server. This is done each night at 03:30 hrs.
    • This auto-update is done by a scheduled task running on scanner PC in main office - the scheduled task must be run between 1 AM and 5 AM or the VBA must be adjusted.
  • You can also update transfer tracker.mdb manually to the most current data including today by pressing the update button and the top of the screen when you open this mdb. When you open the program, it displays the data that was in the most recent data backup from the last time someone has clicked the "update" button it, and the date of that update in the top left corner.

Transfer tracker now has a column indicating whether the patient had VAP in their TMP data at the location.

Design decisions / Implementation log

automatic deleting of records without discharge dates

  • not working right now for records without discharge dates Ttenbergen 10:44, 2013 September 16 (CDT)
  • made query duplicateCleaner to clean it out, cleaned out, redeployed on server - Ttenbergen 11:06, 2013 September 16 (CDT)
  • would be good to fix the query that imports to not add the duplicates. Might go away with centralized data so leaving for now. For now will just clean out occasionally Ttenbergen 11:21, 2013 September 16 (CDT)

self-updating directory listing

  • 2012-09-27 changed update code to run for directories in .../data, not a hard coded list

adding admit date and time

Added admit-from and admit date to the tool. -- Ttenbergen 11:10, 2012 September 20 (CDT)

reducing amount of data retained

  • Can we get away with retaining less than 7 weeks of discharges? Ttenbergen 10:03, 2012 September 10 (CDT)
    • discussed this at Team Meeting September 19, 2012; due to long vacations times without backup collectors need this amount of data to be able to catch up when they return. Will keep as is.-- Ttenbergen 11:07, 2012 September 20 (CDT)

added not-yet-discharged patients and increased timeframe of available patients to 7 weeks

16:06, 8 December 2011 (CST)

  • listed patients who have not yet been discharged
  • increased list of patients available to delete pts with discharge dates more than 7 weeks old to better accommodate vacations

change log


  • confirmed that import script checks all directories in data directory except master and test_*, instead of explicit list Ttenbergen 09:56, 2015 April 30 (CDT)