File share HSC Critical Care

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Revision as of 20:14, 2019 March 7 by TOstryzniuk (talk | contribs)
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Special Critical Care Database Program reports are distributed by the Statistician through this file Critical Care file share

  • \\\wrha\HSC\shared\Critical_Care
    • access by permission only


  • Randy Martens, Business Director Critical Care/ER Program grants access to the various folders in this file share
  • Julie Mojica, WRHA CCMDB Statistician/Analyst has write access to the REPORT module

Access rights


this was set up by Randy Martens to share information securely between Regional Database Program and WRHA ICU admin. This is still used for this purpose however, annual and quarterly reports are placed here: Critical Care Sharepoint ExtraNet

  • should add this to the Statistician and Data Processor pages so we have a ready inventory if we ever need to set up an extra person.
  • SMW

  • Cargo

  • Categories

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