Query check CCI TISS CAM positive vs Dx
Data Integrity Checks | |
Summary: | Checks that each T9 - CAM positive (TISS Item) goes with an ICD10 code from Category:Delirium |
Related: | CAM positive (TISS Item), CAM positive (TISS Item), Delirium, not due to drugs or alcohol, Delusional disorder, Psychosis/psychotic disorder, NOS, acute or chronic |
Firmness: | hard check |
Timing: | always |
App: | Centralized data front end.accdb |
Coding: | |
Uses L Problem table: | not entered |
Status: | ready to implement |
Implementation Date: | |
Backlogged: | true |
{{TT | _DEV_CFE implement
See TISS28_Form_Scanning#Query_TISS_Errors_NrTISSDays_NE_LOS for how/when this is used.
All dx codes that are relevant to this have been added to Category:Delirium.
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