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Revision as of 15:07, 2018 April 12 by Ttenbergen (talk | contribs) (Text replacement - "Bronchitis, not specified as acute or chronic, infectious or noninfectious" to "Bronchitis, acute or chronic not specified, infectious or noninfectious")
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Legacy entry only, see Tracheobronchitis

Legacy Content

This page is about the pre-ICD10 diagnosis coding schema. See the ICD10 Diagnosis List, or the following for similar diagnoses in ICD10:

Click Expand to show legacy content.

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Category: Respiratory(old) (old)


Category: Medical Problem (old)

Main Diagnosis: Other Problems
Sub Diagnosis: Bronchitis
Diagnosis Code: 3005 - Bronchitis
Comorbid Diagnosis: No
Charlson Comorbid coding (pre ICD10): 0
Program: CC & Med
Status: not collected , use Tracheobronchitis
StopDate: no record sent after 2013-Jun-3 can contain this code

Legacy Information

Code 9200 - Tracheobronchitis]] replaces code 3005 - Bronchitis as of CCMDB.mdb_Change_Log_2013#ver_2013-06-03 and will not be allowed for any records sent after this date (ie as far as ccmdb.mdb is concerned the cut-off is the send date, not admit or discharge).