This is a batch file that automates two processes of moving "batch files:
- moves batch files "sent" CSV files from the Regional Server to Data Processors computers' local hard drive in preparation in preparation for appending or uploading files into the master Critical Care TMSX or Medicine MedTMS data repository.
Create by Tina Tenbergen
- Regional Server/Output/<all locations' directories>
- "M" to: C:/ MedPDAdnld/Import Ready
- "C" to: C:/ CritPDAdnld/Import Ready
- Uses the program prefixes set out in Sent files naming conventions the batch file copies all data output files according to their prefix:
- data directory on twister
set twister=\\twister\icu\output
- copy to SAN
set san_loc=\\Hsc1MSFP0001\MED_CCMED\CCMDB
- copy output mdb files from Twister to the SAN (X:Drive)
- greensheets.mdb
- PDA_Pending.mdb
- TASKS.mdb
- TmpV2_1.mdb
- Weekly processing.