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Revision as of 08:37, 9 June 2021 by Ttenbergen (talk | contribs) (Log)
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This article is about the file and versions of backup.bat; for more information about the News and backup process see that article.


To roll out an updated version of backup.bat, copy it into the Regional Server/Program folder for all laptops; next news an backup will pull it.


Removed lines that open log in firefox, since data collectors no longer get to have firefox installed; now only loading in Chrome.


increased number of versions kept to 40; initial roll our wasn't right, re-done 2020-12-30


changed CCMDB.mdb to CCMDB.accdb


Added loading in chrome to the list of firefox loading options; Windows 10 only uses chrome so the log had not been opening on W10 when a new file was available.


Update to new path structure


Update to eliminate the SD cards at STB due to ongoing problems.


rolled out via copy to all program locations Ttenbergen 10:33, 2015 June 24 (CDT)

  • updated path for launching Firefox if CCMDB was updated. Ttenbergen 10:33, 2015 June 24 (CDT)


not sure what changed then but that was the date before 2015-06-24


  • moved any variable generation that is now consistent across region into backup.bat.
  • added check to confirm that ml is set ie that was called from batstart.bat

below here are legacy log entries before we had separate logs for the two batch files


This won't be rolled out either since the change is only relevant during setup of a new file.

  • changed the ml to a place-holder and added error checking to complain if place-holder has not been changed to something sensible. Ttenbergen 15:05, 2013 June 24 (EDT)


These won't be rolled out so much as they will be manually installed at the next site visit. Ttenbergen 15:41, 2013 May 2 (EDT)

  • changes to backup.bat
    • adding running of compact_repair_data.vbs to the end of the sd card backup
    • removed code to transition to "new" regional server summer 2012
  • changes to batstart.bat
    • removed reference to pre-encrypted SD cards
    • removed all mention of the regional server since that has been set in backup.bat since summer 2012


was the version being updated to the next; undocumented, likely the change was moving the regional server variable into the backup.bat file and updating it to the new location


rolled out Ttenbergen 11:57, 7 July 2011 (CDT)

  • changed call to open wiki to reflect new wiki URL


rolled out Ttenbergen 10:22, 15 April 2011 (CDT)

  • changes you may notice:
    • what you need to do to back up does not change
    • the text that pops up in the black box during backup will be different; you don't need to worry about this change, it is only relevant to troubleshooting
    • a log of the backup is now copied to the regional server, which will help me if I need to troubleshoot
  • changes in the background:
    • added line to add the version of the backup.bat to the log file
    • added reference to this log to the backup.bat and to the log file generated
    • added line to copy log to data directory on the server Ttenbergen 11:06, 14 April 2011 (CDT)
    • added code to replace mounttruecrypt.bat if it exists Ttenbergen 11:53, 14 April 2011 (CDT)
    • made logging more detailed Ttenbergen 09:59, 15 April 2011 (CDT)


rolled out Ttenbergen 17:18, 25 October 2010 (CDT)

  • Version to copy down the new ccmdb_data.mdb from Regional Server\programs\<local> in preparation for updated data repository Ccmdb_data\ccmdb_data.mdb.

Master file location