CRRT Report

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Report: CRRT Report
StartDtTm: 2016-09-19
Contact Person : <names, organization if outside of Shared Health>
Recipients: Dr. Joe Bueti, Dr Herman Lam, Deborah Stanley
Frequency: monthly
MailingList: <Outlook list if applicable>
Data Dependencies : CRRT (incl volume removal via PRISMA device) CRRT Days Chart Date of Birth
SASFiles: X:\Julie\CC Projects\CRRT_Ryan&Bueti\
  • Cargo

  • Categories
  • Default form:


Through File share HSC Critical Care/CRRT

File Locations

CRRT Days from TISS28 - The SAS program is in X:\Julie\CC Projects\CRRT_Ryan&Bueti\ The program generates the list of patient names, PHIN, Chart#, Date of Birth, First day on CRRT, year, month and calendar days on CRRT and total CRRT days. Reasons for CRRT starting Oct 2016 - are added to the SAS program above and frequencies of the reasons are presented in the report.


This used to be collected as CRRT Project in tmp but is now collected as a CCI entre.

We used to also collect the reason for this, but the info was impossible to get so we stopped the reason reporting.

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