Category:Task Elements
We are collecting tasks as indicators of quality care, nursing work load and for other future uses. When you collect tasks, think of them as not only an indicator of nursing workload. Please follow the guidelines given in the individual article for each task, and these guidelines will be taken into account for any analysis of task data.
Tasks are collected in L_Dxs because at the time we started collecting this we were limited in where/how we could store data. Accordingly, the task options are stored in S AllDiagnoses.
To facilitate task collection in starting in CCMDB.mdb ver 1.9951 sometime after 2010-Oct-29 we will start to automatically add a task entry "fill" for each of the tasks. The corresponding dx codes are ((task - none) - 1) which means the "fill" tasks sort before the allowed tasks, so clicking on any one of them will bring up the allowed tasks as next options. Using a "fill" task instead of defaulting to "none" will prevent anyone from just forgetting to set this while still facilitating easier entry of tasks.
Start Date
- Start Date: December 15, 2006; Medicine Program only (in Task.mdb collection started on Dec 19.2006)
A comment regarding improving the input for the tasks once the laptop arrives has been added to Requested CCMDB changes for the next version#Improve Data Entry for Tasks
Why not default to "none"
- ...If you had the pre-entered tasks set to default to NONE, that would be great. Having these pre-set tasks default to FILL is a huge pain. I somehow ended up with an entire set of duplicate tasks, when I hit the drop down arrow to get to a tracheostomy - none line. Don't know how I managed that! DPageNewton 17:51, 2 November 2010 (CDT)
- ... however, if the tasks were set to none this would definitely be the most efficient.--CMarks 08:02, 3 November 2010 (CDT)
- We thought about defaulting these to "none" but decided not to do this because some of them are rare and the risk of missing those if they are always defaulted would be to great. Ttenbergen 10:26, 3 November 2010 (CDT)
- Now that I am forced to use the mouse, and the drop down arrow, I find I am making way more mistakes (that I could see in the future that I would conceivably not catch, especially if I was in a rush). The chance of "forgetting" to change a task to the appropriate one, from a pre entered NONE, is minuscule, compared to entering a wrong task in the first place, when they are pre entered with FILL. DPageNewton 12:52, 4 November 2010 (CDT)
- We thought about defaulting these to "none" but decided not to do this because some of them are rare and the risk of missing those if they are always defaulted would be to great. Ttenbergen 10:26, 3 November 2010 (CDT)
- ... however, if the tasks were set to none this would definitely be the most efficient.--CMarks 08:02, 3 November 2010 (CDT)
When the MOST Score was implemented for the Medicine Program, the collection of iTISS data was stopped. A need was identified to continue to collect some information on nursing workload therefore the medicine program adopted a list of Task Elements they wanted to track.
Pages in category "Task Elements"
The following 11 pages are in this category, out of 11 total.