Grace Hospital Contacts
CCMDB Friends
- Medicine Clinical Instructor is Rianna Arsenault local 2856 pager 204-932-0689
- Health Records Guru is Maureen Guzej-local 2166
- Computer Help Desk Kendall Pries local 2810; an EHealth ticket # should be generated prior to calling K. Pries
- Health Records/Pt Registration Manager is Marusia Aime local 2118
- Telephone Problems including voice mail password issues and repair services is Marusia local 2118
- Security local 2366 for those of us who lock ourselves out of the office on a regular basis
- EHealth 204-940-8500
- Rose Tanner local 2460 manages furniture supplies
- Housekeeping local 2198
- Brenda Tyre the Medicine Program Executive Assistant, who kindly lets us use her photocopier or fax machine when required (best neighbour award) Rm. 201
- WRHA/GH Medicine Program Director is Mary Anne Lynch; office (just down the hall) 204-837-0777 local 2777 pager 204-935-2654
Grace ICU Phone numbers
ICU Main Desk:
- (204)837-0148/0149 if calling from outside the facility.
- Extension: 2148/2149 if calling from within the facility
ICU Clinical Manager:
- As of May 27.2013 to Sept 2.13: Trudy Nernberg, Clinical Educator is the interim ICU Manager
- September 3, 2013: Sandra Lang-Donald
- Telephone Number: (204)837-0415/local 2415
- FAX number: (204)837-0576
- Pager: (204)937-0737
Keys and things
parking/facility access
- Michelle Towle or Mandie Timko 837-2721. Trish Ostryzniuk 17:45, 2014 July 16 (CDT)
- request access to the north parking lot as it is right by the office.