Team Meeting June 22, 2017

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Team Meeting

  • Date: Thursday June 22, 2017
  • TIME: 1300-1500 hours
  • Place: HSC-John Buhler Research Center Conference Room - JB700
See second map on HSC site Map.



  • will the program be collecting the new "COMPLEX CARE patients" which will be coded as Medicine pts? with the new changes on October/17
  • revisit how to do Taking a Screenshot; need to use the "Alt" key as described in that article to only take a shot of what you actually want to send. Getting a lot of two-screen wide shots with other applications open these days. Will show-and-tell.


  • Review, video, sign PHIA pledges (q3 yrs redo PHIA pledge-new policy) - Rachael Porter


  • Sending Time by DC - morning (until 10:30 am) vs afternoon (from 2:00 to 3:30 ?) what are the advantages and disadvantages? --JMojica 13:17, 2017 June 7 (CDT)

still to be scheduled

  • Can we get some direction for item #12 of the TISS as some of us have been including other blood products than albumin in the total?
    • Template:Discussion We discussed this on the wiki, but the TISS items are not broken out into their components yet, and I can't remember where it was discussed. Can someone else remember which article and ideally add a link? Ttenbergen 16:07, 2017 June 9 (CDT)
      • When tiss 28 (for our program) was developed, the focus was to keep tiss as consistent with other medical centers in the world who also utilize tiss so that comparisons could be made. Dr Garland put together the tiss items with this focus in mind. I did email him about this and asked him which resource he used for this information, particularly this tiss item(#12). We will be discussing this at task the day before the team meeting so hopefully we can get this cleared up. Thanks for the question Gail!--LKolesar 13:45, 2017 June 13 (CDT)

Next Meeting

Team Meeting September 28, 2017