Evergreening of data collector laptops
We aim to "evergreen" our laptops by replacing 1/4 of them every year, meaning none should usually be older than 4 years. See workstations.mdb for current laptops and PCs.
ICU/Med split
Currently some icu laptops are used by med collectors and vice versa. Since the process is now different for the two, the laptop's owners are now tracked in workstations.mdb.
p:Tina Tenbergen has a reminder task scheduled for two months before the next laptop expires to talk to Tom about replacement in a timely manner.
Leased, CC paid laptops
2 months before the lease expires, ask Tom to order a new laptop. See workstations.mdb for dates.
Randy usually orders 8 months later to avoid double-payment for new laptop not yet deployed, and old laptop not yet returned. There is a 1 month grace period after lease expiry where we can return the old laptops and not be charged double. Randy agreed to allow us to order as before if we make sure we push eHealth into meeting the 1 month grace period.
Purchased, Medicine paid laptops
Template:Discussion There is discussion about running these until they fail now. I am still negotiating with Tom on that. Ttenbergen 22:10, 2018 February 1 (CST)
ongoing log
2018-02-08 emailed Tom to find out when we can order. 2018-02-earlier Met with Tom and called Randy. Randy agreed to buy these at proper replacement time.
- almost expired laptop HSGF216X504434S / HSC_ICUd has battery bulge; this is one that Tom would like to shift t0 4 years. Sent email to find out how he wants to proceed.
- asked for update about Randy's stuff on Jan 24, Tom had no news; fu email.
- 2018-01-24: there is concern about leases not updating right; asked Tom to check up with Randy.
- 2017-10-23: Tom sent INC000002929126
- 2017-12-13: leases are not updating automatically, so emailed Tom back.
- 2017-12-01: Email from Tom with split of lease vs buy2017-11-30 emailed Tom again
- 2017-11-22: emailed Tom to figure out lease vs purchase
- email to Tom to confirm that STB laptop was ordered
- Email to Tom to confirm that new laptops were ordered with 4 year warranty
- email to Tom to confirm that STB laptop was ordered
Two new HSC laptops were installed.
- Two laptops for HSC have arrived and are with eHealth, INC000002834889. Emailed Trish to coordinate roll-out.
- Asked Tom for next replacement that is coming due mid August.
Discussed with Tom to increase cycle to 4 years. He will look into getting additional warranty for laptops we have already bought. If this increases our downtime we will review.
2016-12 HSC_A4
- Ttenbergen 16:26, 2016 December 20 (CST) emailed Brian Fraser; he will be back Jan 3
- Does that mean I get a new laptop in the new year?--CMarks 14:44, 2016 December 21 (CST)
- With any luck :-) As far as I know the laptop has arrived but needs to be set up. I have a reminder set to follow up with Brian. Ttenbergen 17:28, 2016 December 21 (CST)
- Does that mean I get a new laptop in the new year?--CMarks 14:44, 2016 December 21 (CST)
- 09:44, 2016 December 5 (CST) emailed Brian Fraser for update.
- 14:51, 2016 November 28 (CST) The laptop arrived nov 10 and is stuck in desktop
- 16:15, 2016 November 9 (CST) emailed Tom because Trish had an email about lease return of the H4 laptop
- 13:15, 2016 October 31 (CDT) Tom called, the laptop will be paid for by CC (only for Tom's record keeping).
- Tom replied that he won't order until later this week since we can't get new till lease expires. Ttenbergen 16:37, 2016 October 17 (CDT)
- emailed Brian for update Ttenbergen 10:23, 2016 October 17 (CDT)
- emailed Tom for update Ttenbergen 10:57, 2016 October 6 (CDT)
2016-08 HSC_H4 - done
- Laptop was deployed 2016-10-27
- laptop has arrived and will move over to Brian's group today or tomorrow. Ttenbergen 16:37, 2016 October 17 (CDT)
- emailed Brian for update Ttenbergen 10:23, 2016 October 17 (CDT)
- emailed Tom for update Ttenbergen 10:57, 2016 October 6 (CDT)
2016-12 laptop replacement
Con's laptop... confirmed today that warranty expires on Dec 1. Asked Tom to start order Ttenbergen 10:49, 2016 September 22 (CDT)
2016-08 HSC laptop replacement
PO180772 PO88133 INC000002437718 - closed, was just for the quote
- the new laptop arrived but was needed for dept emergency, Tom is ordering a new one. Ttenbergen 11:53, 2016 September 22 (CDT)
- asked Tom for status since there might be an issue with Con's laptop... Ttenbergen 10:49, 2016 September 22 (CDT)
- Tom got note from vendor, not available till after Sept 13, set reminder Ttenbergen 11:12, 2016 August 31 (CDT)
- FU email to Tom Ttenbergen 18:13, 2016 August 25 (CDT)
- "I'm ordering this right now Kathy will sign off next week then it goes to purchasing to sign off-Tom" Ttenbergen 16:33, 2016 August 11 (CDT)
- Tom waiting for quote for PO88133 Ttenbergen 10:15, 2016 August 11 (CDT)
- follow up email to Tom Ttenbergen 10:02, 2016 August 11 (CDT)
- emailed Tom with request to order. Ttenbergen 10:11, 2016 July 28 (CDT)
no further new laptops required until Aug 2016. setting reminder for mid July to order. Ttenbergen 13:19, 2015 May 28 (CDT)
- emailed Paul Linton re EPR access for *34S; he as confirmed that it's on EPR list and suggested I launch desktop ticket, which I did
- gave Con *QYJ laptop for HSC_MICU, since *34S doesn't have EPR access yet
- Deployed last laptop at Vic, there were some problems with wireless and EPR (for michelle only), launched incident 998372.
- Kendall launched ticket to add new laptops to EPR and Wireless... no date yet
- emailed to Jared Thompson re. last HSC laptop, looks like one Inc just got closed Ttenbergen 15:51, 2015 April 20 (CDT)
- emailed Tom and Raymund about last HSC laptop: Inc 976441 Ttenbergen 15:27, 2015 April 20 (CDT)
- emailed Kendall and Pierre again Ttenbergen 15:27, 2015 April 20 (CDT)
- emailed helpdesk to get EPR set up for this laptop Ttenbergen 15:27, 2015 April 20 (CDT)
- set up the laptop that was supposed to be new HSC ICU as HSC MICU because that laptop was causing problems.
we have one more laptop that has arrived, it will be the new HSC MICU one... installed HSC_D4 for Judith
picked up imaged HSC laptops, requested adding new one to EPR. Requested replacing D4 one in EPR (Inc 982956).
Pierre from Vic called told me this has arrived and whether there are any curve balls.
- Inc 976694 HSC 1x (done)
- Inc 976588 GGH 3x
- Inc 976612 VGH 1x
the other 5+1 have arrived emailed Tom re ETA for the 5+1 ICU laptops STB laptop was rolled out last week, the two VIC laptops were set up this morning. The HSC laptop is mostly set up but we decided to use it for the new ICU person and set up the new ones as A4 replacement when ready.
2015-03-26 4 medicine laptops have arrived. Tom confirmed he is ordering 6+3 but as 4med+5ICU for accounting reasons. He is also ordering one extra for new HSC ICU Emailed Tom to confirm he got count correction from 2015-03-05
2015-03-05 Tom has ordered 3 and asked Randy to order 3 as well. Found mistake in counts, need 5 Med and 6 ICU. originally asked for 3 and 3.
2015-03-02 rubber Dells are painfully slow now w windows; getting quote for early replacement for steering from Tom
2015-01-19 the next bunch of laptops to replace are: (2 more Aug and Nov 2016)
- GRA_MICU GHDW210X36XDVW1 GRA_MICU 36XDVW1 11-Mar-2013 03-Mar-2016 Yes
- HSC_D4 HSGF216XJ5XDVW1 (?) HSC H4? J5XDVW1 11-Mar-2013 03-Mar-2016 No
- VIC_S5 VGDATACOG5XDVW1 VIC_S5 G5XDVW1 11-Mar-2013 03-Mar-2016 Yes
- GRA_N5 GHDW210XH5XDVW1 GRA_N5 H5XDVW1 11-Mar-2013 03-Mar-2016 Yes
- GRA_N3 GHDW210X16XDVW1 GRA_N3 16XDVW1 11-Mar-2013 03-Mar-2016 Yes
- VIC_S4 VGDATACO26XDVW1 (?) may have been VicS4S3 26XDVW1 11-Mar-2013 03-Mar-2016 No
2015-01-15 emailed Brandon to see if he still wants to do testing or I can roll out…
2014-12-22 Brandon Deamel seems to want to test something so leaving at my desk for now. Snooze to Jan to hear back from him.
2014-12-15 Turns out it was being set up at HSC instead; done and at my desk now Conc laptop is being set up at Conc, by Lloyd Flores emailed Brian Fraser to please image these here so I can test and finish setup before traveling to site
2014-12-11ish … inc 864997
2014-12-10 Tom emailed that one Medicine laptop is available now; asked if it had to be med and when the other two would be here. 2 need to go to StB better to make it one trip.
2014-12-08 Tom says Randy has the forms… asked about follow up
2014-12-01 FU email to Tom re. extra laptop
2014-11-20 found out that I missed one of the STB laptops; asked Tom to order. Also talking with eHealth about the remaining non-W7 laptops deployed Lorri’s PC.
2014-11-12 confirmed working; emailed Lorri Pruden for setup time
2014-11-06 set up ccmdb starter w network fix copy desktop confirm laptop setup
2014/Nov/3 got the two laptops, setting Laura’s up now, booked to deliver Thursday
2014/Oct/29 laptops are here, John Stewart is setting them up; being set up for Oaks and StB Laura
2014/Oct/06 emailed Brian for follow-up; OOO back Oct 20
2014/Sep/18 emailed Tom again; Brian Fraser emailed back, request has just gone to finance
2014/Sep/08 Tom replied that he will fu
2014/Sep/04 emailed Tom for update
2014/Aug/18 several new laptop purchases were approved, Tom is ordering.