List of CCI procedures we don't code
Additional Info
- Examples of procedures we have specifically considered, and decided not to code.
- Xrays other than Abdominal plain X-ray (AXR), CXR plain film
- Dressings (incl VAC dressings)
- Oxygenation
- intubation - it is already coded as Insertion of ETT (TISS Item) for ICU and not done on the ward (without patient leaving to ICU), so it was decided not to code this.
Template:DiscussAllan are we coding foley's?
- We don't code all procedures. A procedure that is not either: (a) on the picklist, or (b) able to be constructed from it's components [e.g. a body part, and what was done to that body part] --- then we're not looking to code it.
- The main issue here is that among the lists "what was done", we haven't included EVERY possibility.
- For example, in the Imaging Procedures, besides some plain X-rays contained in that picklist, the "what type of imaging study was done" does NOT include plain x-rays. Thus we're not enabling creation of a plain X-ray of other body part other than those contained in the picklist.
- Similarly, for the Therapeutic Procedures, there is a list of approximately 30 items of "what was done" to the chosen body part. So some items of "what was done" are not available and you won't be able to code such procedures.
- BUT, before you decide this is the case, you will need to become very familiar with the descriptions of EACH of the "what was done" items that ARE available. For example the item Bypass includes creating a ostomy (which includes a colostomy and even a tracheostomy).