Template:ICD10 Guideline MI acute vs past history

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This template is used to explain when to use current vs past history of MI.

To use:

{{MI acute vs past history}}

MI - acute vs past history

To decide whether to code an acute MI dx in the Admit Diagnosis or Acquired Diagnosis / Complication, or a Past history, myocardial infarction (old MI) in the Comorbid Diagnosis, consider the following:

  • Either may be used for an MI that occurred prior to the current hospitalization.
  • If the prior MI is not active, and we're not dealing with any current complications of it, then use Past history, myocardial infarction (old MI)
  • If the prior MI is still active and we're not dealing with any current complications of it, then instead use one of the AMI codes, as a Comorbid Diagnosis.

Template:Discussion What is the criteria for "still active" Example(s) here would be good to illustrate and provide clarity

  • If the prior MI is still active and we are dealing with any current complications of it, then instead use one of the AMI codes, as a Admit Diagnosis.

Template:Discussion Example(s) here would be good to illustrate and provide clarity Template:DiscussAllan