List of CCI procedures we don't code

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See also: List of ICD10 Diagnoses we don't code

Procedures collectors don't know if/how to code

  • Are casts, back slabs, walking casts, splints, and/or slings to be coded in CCI?

Ie. Back slab applied for broken metatarsal bones:

Use: (T) Bone, NOS (CCI 1) and fixation (CCI 2)

Procedures we have specifically considered, and decided not to code

  • Art lines
  • Central Line insertions
  • cryoprecipitate
  • Dressings (incl VAC dressings)
  • EKG
  • Fecal management system (FMS)
  • Foley
  • intubation - it is already coded as Insertion of ETT (TISS Item) for ICU and not done on the ward (without patient leaving to ICU), so it was decided not to code this.
  • nasogastric tube (NG)/orogastric tube (OG)
  • Oxygenation
  • Pulmonary Arterial Catheters (ie. Swan Ganz catheters)
  • suture removal
  • Xrays other than Abdominal plain X-ray (AXR), CXR plain film
  • things we don't code list - So if a thoracentesis is done and no chest tube is left in place, then we code this? OR you don't want any thoracentesis with or without a tube for any reason (diagnostic or therapeutic)?? Please clarify this item. --LKolesar 13:45, 2018 June 22
  • SMW

  • Cargo

  • Categories
  • Temp Pacemakers in the unit (is on TISS)
  • Temp Pacemakers - you do not want us to code pacemakers but in the collection instructions you have pacemaker insertions on the picklist (Pacemaker insertion, temporary) as putting in once per stay only. Please clarify.--LKolesar 13:43, 2018 July 5 (CDT)
  • SMW

  • Cargo

  • Categories
  • Are ABI's (Arterial Brachial Indices) coded? If so, how to code? Pamela Piche 10:47, 2018 July 30 (CDT)
  • AG REPLY --- NO!
  • SMW

  • Cargo

  • Categories
  • Are tunneled central lines (insertion of dialysis catheters) supposed to be coded?
  • SMW

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  • I see that the reason for not coding some of the above procedures is because it is on the TISS. I should point out that some of the items on the pick list are also on the tiss (CRRT, hemodialysis, isolation, peritoneal dialysis, TPN, cardioversions are examples)

Just want to be sure of consistency in these decisions. There is also a case for including procedures in CCI even if they are on the tiss for the purpose of medicine collection where there is no tiss and also the fact that many things get missed on the tiss. Pagasa often sends out queries when a code is used but it is missed on the tiss. Just want to ensure we are considering all issues here. --LKolesar 13:43, 2018 July 5 (CDT)

  • SMW

  • Cargo

  • Categories


We don't code all procedures. If a procedure is not either: (a) on the picklist, or (b) able to be constructed from it's components (e.g. a body part, and what was done to that body part) then we're not looking to code it.

The main issue here is that among the CCI component 2 codes - what was done, we haven't included EVERY possibility.


BUT, before you decide this is the case, you will need to become very familiar with the descriptions of EACH of the CCI component 2 codes - what was done that ARE available. Some will include items you would not expect. Example: The item Bypass includes creating a ostomy (which includes a colostomy and even a tracheostomy).

See Reasoning around moving to CCI and our subset of it#Why do we not include the entire set of CCI codes.