Template:ICD10 Guideline Altered mental status
- Encephalopathy, toxic
- Encephalopathy, septic or metabolic
- Encephalopathy, NOS -- {sc:toxic/drug-induced, metabolic, septic, hypertensive}
- Encephalopathy, hypertensive
- Delerium, not due to drugs or alcohol
- Coma, NOS
- Somnolence, stupor or obtundation
- Persistent vegetative state
- A variety of codes for liver failure with encephalopathy
- A variety of codes relating to overdoses (including iatrogenic), withdrawal, etc.
- Anoxic brain injury, NOS
- Organic brain disorder, NOS
- Disorientation
- Amnesia
- Dizziness
- Hallucinations
- Agitation, restlessness
- Violent behavior
- Symptom or sign involving emotional state, NOS
See body of template for details
To use:
- {{ICD10 Guideline Altered mental status}}