CCMDB will eventually outgrow Microsoft Access as a storage format for our Centralized_data.mdb.
Technical considerations
- We need to be able to access this from collector laptops that might not be on the WRHA network at the time, since some locations where collectors work don't have wifi yet.
- Who will be allowed to program and implement changes on this system?
Administrative and governance considerations
We now need to work out the following:
- What would be the terms and conditions of us using this repository
- who owns the data?
- how will this be funded?
- how do we navigate giving additional people access to the data?
- will we be able to give partial access to data to people? Technically this is obviously possible, but would we be allowed to do this, and if so, would we be allowed to manage this ourselves?
- would we be able to access this and report from this via SQL reporting (a system Kym's group uses for real-time available reports for Accuro, which ties into the same type of database system)
- Narmada Retnakaran (Manager, Data Coordinating Centre) is getting a handle on how they do stuff before she is prepared to discuss further with us
- 2019-08-22 - Allan reported that CHI will set up a group to work through the governance of such a server. Tina suggested to start the technical discussions in tandem with this, and Allan agreed to make the connection to do this.
- we asked CHI if they could store this for us, but they said storing external data like this is not currently a project they can take on
- we tried to work with Decision Support Services and had a test system set up when the arrangement fell through because a data agreement could not be reached
- WRHA Department "Analytics & Business Intelligence" has given us access to a database on their database server where we would be able to store our data. The technical groundwork is in place: we can add/edit/remove tables and access them via an MS Access front end through ODBC.
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