PHI copy automation

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  • Explanation: This process would lock up occasionally preventing collectors from sending. So, we stopped the scheduled task that ran this every 5 minutes. We were initially going to review this to make it work again, but with COVID a desktop scheduled task became entirely impractical anyway. As of 2022-08 we are hoping for Shared Health to provide either interim functionality on the Automation PC or maybe an actual solution to our storage requirements that doesn't need this. See also Re-platforming.
  • Successor: No successor was entered

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Where does it live?

Data Processor PC

What does this scheduled task do?

Every 60 minutes it runs the batch file Copy PHI.bat.

It copies the PHI files exported by CCMDB.accdb during sending to Regional Server\​Output\_PHI\\\WRHA\REGION\SHARED\ICU_DATA_COLLECTION\Output\_PHI to S:\MED\CCMED\S:\MED\CCMED\CCMDB\PHI. Then it calls the script Load Data.vbs.

The script Load Data.vbs accesses PHI Loader.accdb and runs the sub loadAllCSVFiles, which calls the code that imports all csv files found within the directory. The csv loading code also moves the files again into an archive folder S:\MED\CCMED\S:\MED\CCMED\CCMDB\PHI\PHI Archive\ to prevent duplicate processing. See Automatic updating of MS Access Databases using scheduled tasks for more info on how this works.

If the task runs and there are no problems the task will list "0x0" in the last results column. Any other code would require review. - This needs to be reviewed as the last line of the batch file has changed the the return value may be altered

If the automation were not working...

If the Data Processor PC that this is scheduled on isn't running (shutdown) then data might be left on the server for some time. Probably OK for now since it would still only be temporary.

If X drive goes down

If main office notices that X drives is down, Data processor must not remove the csv files from the Regional server until:

  • computer is rebooted and network connection to X is checked to see if it has been re established, otherwise this bat files is not able to do its job.
    • occurrence: Monday June 15.14 at 1700 hrs and all day June 16.14: issue: Castrophic hardware failure on this network drive had occurred.

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