Vacation Planner

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Vacation schedule list for the Critical Care and Medicine database for the Region: CLICK here- approved Vacation List and log in.

Vacation planning

Vacation planning appointments will start every year on February 15 for vacation the period April 1 to March 31 of the following year for WRHA_MNU.

  • For WRHA_CUPE accural year is: May 1-Apr 30 of following year.
  • Collection staff will be emailed by Feb 1st of each year the following:
  1. vacation entitlement list for your site (sent by Feb 1 of each year)
  2. vacation request/approval form (a completed form must be faxed or email to Database Manager BEFORE scheduled vacation appointment date). This will include number of weeks entitled to and also your vacation appointment date and time.

Collective Agreement

You can refer to Article 21 of your MNU Collective Agreements for Regional Programs for any added information.

Go to; MNU website

or Go to: WRHA HR website

Vacation Schedule Appointments

  • The Database Manager will be sending out appointment dates for vacation planning in February. The appointments will be scheduled by seniority at your current assigned work site. Appointments to discuss vacation plans will be done via phone on scheduled appointment date or in person at main office site which is at the HSC.
  • Feel free to discuss amongst your team members at your site. At a site, if there are overlapping requests for vacation weeks that cannot be resolved, then seniority will be the deciding factor. I will do my best to try and meet most well deserved vacation request times.

Post entitlement list in Local Office

Please POST a copy of the vacation entitlement list in your office once it is emailed to you.

Posting of selected vacation weeks

Starting on or after Feb 15, vacation dates selected by staff at their appointments will be posted here as soon as they are approved after scheduled vacation appointments.

  • Go to: Approved vacation date listing.
    • when go to link above, you will have to log in.
    • you will then need to click on “Vacation LIST” to populate a table. You can then sort by first column (not the word in the column header but the little arrows) to group by name.

How is vacation awarded

  • Vacation is awarded based on seniority at each site.

Program Operational Requirements & Vacations scheduling

The ICU and Medicine database program are not separate programs. Operationally, there will be ‘one person ‘’’ allowed to be off for vacation at any given time at a Hospital site. This is subject to change.

General Information

  • 1 week of vacation equals 7 consecutive days.
  • vacation hours earned for your EFT including excess earned, are paid proportionately during the total number of weeks of vacation a person is entitled to. Excess vacation earn does not entitle a nurse to additional days or weeks of vacation. It is also paid out proportionately during weeks of vacation selected. (paid out as cash during a vacation week).
  • work rotation may change to accommodate vacation requested and to fulfill EFT requirement in a 4 week rotation.
  • If you are not certain of work rotation changes, please contact p:Pagasa Torres.
  • Vacations earned for EFT is divided up amongst weeks vacation entitled to and days are paid the same way that the number of minimum shifts required per week in each 4 week rotation for your EFT.
  • When stats fall on a week you take vacation then number of regular days worked vs number of vacation days paid will be adjusted.
Hi, seeking clarification regarding "'When stats fall on a week you take vacation then number of regular days worked vs number of vacation days paid will be adjusted."' What does this mean? Thank you  
  • SMW

  • Cargo

  • Categories


If the current annual vacation is not used or scheduled by January 15th, then the Employer has the right to schedule the vacation prior to the end of the current vacation year (March 31). E.G. If a nurse has not scheduled their three save days. This is an operational requirement. Thank you for your cooperation.

Go to: Extra shift sign up