Visit Admit DtTm differences within same admission

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Revision as of 10:47, 23 November 2023 by JMojica (talk | contribs)
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Julie identified at 2022-07-13 Task that sometimes the Visit Admit DtTm in Cognos is different for records within a single hospitalization. This is clearly an error and we need to know why it happens.

Since we use the Visit Admit DtTm to define hospitalizations, we can't really check the Cognos Data for this issue unless we have an example.

It was decided that the next few times Julie sees such a problem she’ll forward them to Tina, who’ll analyze the reason(s). This may be an ADT/Cognos error and it may require reporting it to be fixed to Chastity. It was later decided that Pagasa is the one who catches these while running Link_suspect_not_same_visitAdmitDtTm query, and would therefore be the one to forward examples to Tina.

This may be related to an older task in Tina's outlook "Chastity - exclusion of "fixed" data" - not sure if that ever went anywhere.

  • Do we still see occasional mismatches? Ttenbergen 13:40, 2022 December 8 (CST)
    • There are still few which showed up. Last Oct5, 2023, a new problem came up - this is a case where the Visit Admit Dttm is after the Admission Dttm and/or Discharge Dttm. The error was brought up by a requestor who is interested on the days in hospital prior to ICU admission - when he calculated the difference between the Admission Dttm and Visit Adm Dttm, he found cases with negative values. In the WIKI, it is said that the Visit Adm Dttm is used as an identifier and not as a Date. When Lisa checked the reason why the Visit Adm dttm is after admission, it was because the automated COGNOS showed up the next hospital admission. With this purpose/use brought to our attention by users, should we now check the automated COGNOS Visit Admit dttm? --JMojica 09:13, 2023 November 23 (CST)
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  • 2022-12-08 - email to Pagasa to request examples
  • 2022-?? various discussions

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