PHI copy automation
As part of the 2013 data upgrades, CCMDB.mdb will now move the csv PHI Data files
- from: Regional Server\Output\_PHI (full address:
) ("_" to sort separate from hospitals) - to: <file>X:\CCMDB\PHI</file>
The move is done using a scheduled task that runs on Trish's computer. The scheduled task runs every 10 minutes and calls <file>X:\CCMDB\PHI\copy_PHI.bat</file> (see: copy_PHI.bat).
The batch file (<file>X:\CCMDB\PHI\copy_PHI.bat</file>) has a line to call the script: 'Load Data.vbs' which opens the PHI_Loader.accdb and calls the code that imports all csv files found within the directory. The csv loading code also moves the files again into an archive folder <file>X:\CCMDB\PHI\PHI Archive\</file> to prevent duplicate processing.
If the task runs and there are no problems the task will list "0x0" in the last results column. Any other code would require review. - This needs to be reviewed as the last line of the batch file has changed the the return value may be altered Bcloutier 19:47, 2013 November 20 (CST)
Hmmm? Centralized data.mdb vs Aggregator.mdb
If the PC that this is scheduled on isn't running then data might be left on the server for some time. Probably OK for now since it would still only be temporary. Ttenbergen 16:32, 2013 July 29 (CDT)