Centralized data front end.mdb Change Log 2014

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Revision as of 21:23, 2014 August 25 by Ttenbergen (talk | contribs) (→‎2014-08-14: rolled out)
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This article is the change log for Centralized data front end.mdb. See Centralized data front end.mdb Change Request for requested changes.

Change Log


not rolled yet Ttenbergen 21:23, 2014 August 25 (CDT)

  • no changes yet Ttenbergen 21:23, 2014 August 25 (CDT)


rolled out Ttenbergen 21:23, 2014 August 25 (CDT)

  • deleted query 15_fungin_problems, done with - Ttenbergen 14:40, 2014 August 14 (CDT)
  • deleted 1_use_only* queries, done with - Ttenbergen 14:44, 2014 August 14 (CDT)
  • deleted query 000_ARF-fix Ttenbergen 14:44, 2014 August 14 (CDT)
  • added query J_in-process_records for Julie; contains list of complete records that are not yet fully processed by Pagasa Ttenbergen 12:26, 2014 August 21 (CDT)
  • added query NDC_Discharged_incomplete at Pagasa/Julie's request Ttenbergen 20:01, 2014 August 25 (CDT)
  • update for the mail helper:
    • added table s_standard_emails to contain the pre-set wordings. Ttenbergen 20:37, 2014 August 25 (CDT)
    • split out function pt_demo_getter() to use same for all emailing Ttenbergen 20:37, 2014 August 25 (CDT)
    • generated form standard_email_chooser Ttenbergen 20:37, 2014 August 25 (CDT)


copied to x:\ Ttenbergen 11:21, 2014 August 13 (CDT)

  • added query TISS_form_missing_dates and its dependent queries TISS_admitted_date_range and TISS_form_present_date_range Ttenbergen 11:07, 2014 August 13 (CDT)
  • deleted query TISS_all_days_there because I am pretty sure it was the beginning of the above from an effort from months ago... Ttenbergen 11:07, 2014 August 13 (CDT)
  • added Public Function NCase to module global to normalcase Names Of Patients Ttenbergen 11:20, 2014 August 13 (CDT)
  • updated PatientList to use the Normalcased versions of the names. Can't do same to viewer because there it needs to be editable. Ttenbergen 11:20, 2014 August 13 (CDT)


rolled to x: Ttenbergen 22:03, 2014 August 11 (CDT)

  • Both queries created_Apache_details and Created_Variables are the same now. The differences were
    • One included only CC and completes, the other included all; both are limited to only CC and completes now. The values really make little sense before checks are applied. Faster this way, too.
    • One parameter for one of the scores was wrong. They are correct and identical now.
  • As for the negative AaDO2s… AaDO2 I thought we had concluded that a negative value could happen but should result in a meaningful score.

According to APACHE_Scoring_table the score should be 0 if AaDO2 <200, so that’s what it will be now.


rolled Ttenbergen 16:44, 2014 August 11 (CDT)

  • fixed query 1_use_only_ARF_fix - Ttenbergen 16:35, 2014 August 11 (CDT)


rolled Ttenbergen 15:48, 2014 August 11 (CDT)

  • corrected AaDO2 value in Created_variable to be same as in Created_variable_details; the previous one was using the parameters for the function wrong. Ttenbergen 13:55, 2014 July 31 (CDT)
  • corrected AaDO2 scoring calculation to not be Null if AaDO2 <=0 Ttenbergen 16:40, 2014 July 31 (CDT)


copied to x: Ttenbergen 20:00, 2014 July 24 (CDT)

  • updated s_como to make left_join to charlsons; s_como is subset of s_alldxs that are comos, not just that are charlsons. Ttenbergen 16:13, 2014 July 21 (CDT)
  • set up queries 1_use_only_fix_dx_casing, 1_use_only_med_apache_null_after_SAPS, 1_use_only_update_3000_transfer_dates_to_null; emailed Pagasa/Julie/Trish with use instructions Ttenbergen 17:26, 2014 July 21 (CDT)
  • replaced s_charlson_dxs with version from ccmdb.mdb that includes which are allowed as admit/complications Ttenbergen 11:18, 2014 July 24 (CDT)
  • Charlson comorbid scoring; added/updated queries Ttenbergen 12:18, 2014 July 24 (CDT)
    • Charlson_Comorbid_Score
    • Charlson_Comorbid_Score__detail
    • Charlson_Comorbid_Score_Admit_detail
    • Charlson_Comorbid_Score_Como_detail
  • "bumped" the apache scoring code, it had somehow got itself hung up. de- and re-compile fixed it. Ttenbergen 18:16, 2014 July 24 (CDT)
  • added following codes back to s_alldiagnoses... (this is really a data change)
    • Septic Arthritis legacy 29901
    • Hepatitis legacy 40600
    • AIDS legacy 84900
    • a whole bunch of legacy *97 codes


copied to x: Ttenbergen 16:59, 2014 July 17 (CDT)

  • changed Apache Scoring module to capture null/zero scoring correctly Ttenbergen 15:15, 2014 July 17 (CDT)
  • changed neuroscore to consider as numbers not strings to fix summing up Ttenbergen 15:32, 2014 July 17 (CDT)
  • made viewer form's fields trans and discharge date formats consistent with other fields, ie dd-mmm-yyyy Ttenbergen 16:04, 2014 July 17 (CDT)
  • updated query s_como to include charlson score Ttenbergen 16:14, 2014 July 17 (CDT)
  • updated query s_charlson_dxs to loose allow_admit and allow_como columns, those are addressed in s_alldiagnoses Ttenbergen 16:14, 2014 July 17 (CDT)
  • updated query charlson_comorbid_score_detail to use s_como Ttenbergen 16:14, 2014 July 17 (CDT)
  • updated query charlson_comorbid_score to use charlson_comorbid_score_detail Ttenbergen 16:14, 2014 July 17 (CDT)


rolled 2014 July 10 (CDT)

  • problem generating child records in L_Dxs and all other child tables. Need to change how uniqueness is generated
    • set up new function L_table_ID_gen to make IDs
    • updated code for forms to use new function
      • DXs
      • Como
      • Pharm_flowsheet
      • Labs_flowhseet
      • tmp
    • cleaned up max* queries that are no longer needed with new way
  • updated form PatientList to allow NDC queries to work again, somehow the form got set to not allow edits


copied to x:\ Ttenbergen 14:59, 2014 July 10 (CDT)

  • grabbed newest table s_alldiagnoses from CCMDB.mdb_Change_Log_2014#2014-Jul-07 Ttenbergen 15:17, 2014 July 7 (CDT)
  • updated clipboard button for Pagasa, removed PHIN added location - Ttenbergen 15:48, 2014 July 7 (CDT)
  • updated created_variables query which was giving different results on Julie's PC than Trish and Pagasa - Ttenbergen 14:58, 2014 July 10 (CDT)
  • editing was disabled for diagnoses, fixed to be able to edit - Ttenbergen 14:58, 2014 July 10 (CDT)


rolled outTtenbergen 11:53, 2014 July 4 (CDT)

  • added temporary forensic queries for Trish and Pagasa, didn't update the version number I think, but the queries start with 2_ and involve tmp and pc checks. Ttenbergen 11:53, 2014 July 4 (CDT)


copied to x: Ttenbergen 14:46, 2014 June 27 (CDT)

  • removed explicit edit restrictions from patient list because they were breaking the NDC dropdown Ttenbergen 14:05, 2014 June 27 (CDT)
  • integrated "changed table s_charlson_dxs to not duplicate values that should come from s_alldiagnoses. " as in CCMDB CCMDB.mdb_Change_Log_2014#2014-Jun-23 Ttenbergen 14:08, 2014 June 27 (CDT)


rolled Ttenbergen 17:29, 2014 June 26 (CDT)

  • added compact and change button to main screen Ttenbergen 16:43, 2014 June 26 (CDT)
  • 1_In_L_PHI_but_NOT_in_L_Log Ttenbergen 17:29, 2014 June 26 (CDT)


copied to x:\

  • changed query created_Apache_details to append table, and fixed table it appends to have data types as required by Julie. Ttenbergen 16:16, 2014 June 26 (CDT)


copied to x: Ttenbergen 11:27, 2014 June 26 (CDT) was rolled with jun 16 date, sigh

  • there have been no new changes but rolling out as new version because we are having weird discrepancies in how the program works on Trish's and Julie's PC Ttenbergen 11:27, 2014 June 26 (CDT)
  • no changes Ttenbergen 21:47, 2014 June 23 (CDT)


copied to x: Ttenbergen 21:47, 2014 June 23 (CDT)

  • updated Wegener's Granulomatosis / Granulomatosis with polyangiitis in s_alldiagnoses Ttenbergen 15:48, 2014 June 19 (CDT)
  • updated function ApScore_MeanBP(MBP) to work with the input it gets in query created_Apache_details Ttenbergen 16:20, 2014 June 19 (CDT)
  • cleaning out temporary 1_ tables
    • 1z_created_combined
    • 1transdelaycheck
    • 1check_userDef_function
    • 1check_incl_function
    • 1Check_import_ES
    • 1Check_import_aptype
    • 11_ES_Tester
    • 11_AP_has_missing_ABG
    • 11_AP_has_missing_bps_GCS_rates_types
    • 11_AP_has_missing_chem
    • 11 vap stuff
  • added clipboard button next to form close button; this will copy pt data required for chart review to the clipboard for when Pagasa needs to notify collectors of an error; ctrl-v in an email will paste it Ttenbergen 20:56, 2014 June 23 (CDT)
  • added query 1_In_L_Log_BUT_NOT_In_L_Phi as provided by Trish Ttenbergen 21:02, 2014 June 23 (CDT)
  • added query P_Count_of _SENT_PAGASA_LIKES, renamed it to P_Count_of_sent, cleared out the old counts-of-sents queries Ttenbergen 21:11, 2014 June 23 (CDT)
  • updated forms patient_list and viewer to not allow editing while red. Ttenbergen 21:16, 2014 June 23 (CDT)
  • changed patient viewer so
    • for medicine patients, can't see labs and pharmacy and cc only Apache elements
    • for cc patients, can't see ADLs


given to Trish to roll Ttenbergen 17:18, 2014 June 16 (CDT)

  • adding query Labs_requester to make test data for labs exporting Ttenbergen 16:49, 2014 June 12 (CDT)
  • updated query NDC_orphans to ignore "questioned" patients Ttenbergen 13:56, 2014 June 16 (CDT)
  • updated query ND_sub_CLI_DateinTMPV2 to also accept tmp "CLI (call Basil Evan if MICU/SICU/IICU)" Ttenbergen 13:56, 2014 June 16 (CDT)
  • made date formats consistent throughout patient list and view form. Ttenbergen 14:15, 2014 June 16 (CDT)


copied to x - Ttenbergen 16:49, 2014 June 12 (CDT)

  • added query Charlson_Comorbid_score_detail Ttenbergen 09:14, 2014 June 12 (CDT)
  • minor changes to most functions in APACHE_Scoring to properly deal with Nulls... Ttenbergen 16:42, 2014 June 12 (CDT)

(same version as before because I forgot to update)

copied to X:\ - Ttenbergen 15:49, 2014 June 9 (CDT)

  • fixed Function ApTotal_Physiological() to be able to output Nulls (changed data type) Ttenbergen 15:49, 2014 June 9 (CDT)


rolled out - Ttenbergen 11:21, 2014 June 9 (CDT)

  • added ph to new variables details query
  • realized and messed with problem in 1run only saps clean up queryTtenbergen 16:30, 2014 May 29 (CDT)
  • fixed query NDC_VAP_AcqDX_but_NoVAP_DateinTMPV2; it had two D_ID columns which was confusing the form that opens it. Ttenbergen 10:43, 2014 June 2 (CDT)
  • updated queries NDC_orphans, NDC_CLI_AcqDX_but_NoCLI_DateinTMPV2, NDC_CLI_No_AcqDX_but_CLI_DateinTMPV2, NDC_CLI_unacceptable_date - Ttenbergen 16:04, 2014 June 2 (CDT)
  • changed created_variables and apache scoring module to give null when no input or medicine. Ttenbergen 17:22, 2014 June 2 (CDT)
  • updated function ApScore_Creat to properly double Creat score if ARF. Ttenbergen 09:47, 2014 June 4 (CDT)
  • Updated function ApScore_AaDO2() now If AaDO2 < 200 Then ApScore_AaDO2 = 0
  • Updated function ApScore_ABG(), now gives null when abg component is 0 or null inappropriately


copied to x: Ttenbergen 14:26, 2014 May 29 (CDT)

  • updated query NDC_orphans to except HSC_IICU to 10 day delay because it is also collected by multiple laptops Ttenbergen 11:10, 2014 May 29 (CDT)
  • updated query NDC_CLI_unacceptable_date to use column name "CLI_date" instead of "VAP_date" Ttenbergen 11:26, 2014 May 29 (CDT)
  • updated queries NDC_VAP_* and NDC_CLI_* to include only patients admitted after start of study as per QA_Infection_Audit#Specs Ttenbergen 11:26, 2014 May 29 (CDT)


copied to x: Ttenbergen 19:27, 2014 May 28 (CDT)

  • query link_suspect_negative_transit_time to implement checks against Transfer time ruleTtenbergen 23:01, 2014 May 19 (CDT)
  • query link_suspect_medicine_to_med_no_partner
  • query link_suspect_medicine_from_med_no_partner
  • query link_suspect_dead_then_alive
  • added to table s_admitDischarge column "hosp" and "ward", and indexed and populated Ttenbergen 22:39, 2014 May 20 (CDT)
  • added indices to table s_locations - Ttenbergen 10:25, 2014 May 21 (CDT)
  • updated query NDC_Orphans to reflect Orphans_in_Centralized_data.mdb#ward.2Funits_with_more_than_one_collector Ttenbergen 22:35, 2014 May 26 (CDT)
  • fixed function "transfer_time_maker"; it was failing when the transfer date is null. Ttenbergen 18:14, 2014 May 28 (CDT)
  • added fields to create_variables: Ttenbergen 18:14, 2014 May 28 (CDT)
    • creatpts
    • agepts
    • AaDO2
  • fixed query NDC_CLI-unacceptable-date, was showing obs date, not date_var Ttenbergen 19:22, 2014 May 28 (CDT)


copied to x:\ Ttenbergen 23:06, 2014 May 19 (CDT)

  • updated query created_variables to use the convention for missing transfer times that is now documented in Transfer_Delay#Calculation when transfer time missing. Ttenbergen 16:08, 2014 May 19 (CDT)
  • re-updated the age definition in Module Apache_scoring to correspond with documentation, version appears to have got lost. Ttenbergen 21:07, 2014 May 19 (CDT)
  • updated function Ap_Chronic in Module Apache_scoring; has ands and ors mixed without brackets, fixed order of precedence. Ttenbergen 21:49, 2014 May 19 (CDT)
  • linking
    • added query link_suspect_from_ICU_but_single_encounter
    • added query link_suspect_to_ICU_but_single_encounter


copied to x:\ Ttenbergen 16:31, 2014 May 15 (CDT)

  • created table "linking_pairs" to contain D_IDs of successive admissions of same pt. Ttenbergen 15:23, 2014 May 14 (CDT)
  • created module linking sub populate_linking_pairs() to populate table "linking_pairs" Ttenbergen 16:05, 2014 May 14 (CDT)
  • updated apache physiological scoring in module apache_scoring Ttenbergen 10:23, 2014 May 15 (CDT)


copied to x:\ Ttenbergen 12:21, 2014 May 14 (CDT)

  • added column "is_ICU" to S_AdmitDischarge Ttenbergen 13:57, 2014 May 12 (CDT)
  • working on NDC queries
    • VAP Dx vs Tmp checking
      • renamed related queries to start with NDC_VAP
      • added query to check for tmp date > discharge date or < admit date + 1 (we discussed +2, but because we don't have a time for the VAP a +2 would have false positives)
    • CLI Dx vs Tmp checking
      • renamed related queries to start with NDC_CLI
      • added query NDC_CLI_unacceptable_date to check for tmp date > discharge date or < admit date


copied to x:\ Ttenbergen 17:27, 2014 May 8 (CDT)

  • made s_admitDischarge same as elsewhere, ie incl. setting FP and FR to "surgical" and making sure that the Grace and HSC Nursing home entry is present. Ttenbergen 16:16, 2014 May 8 (CDT)


copied t x:\ Ttenbergen 20:53, 2014 May 5 (CDT)

  • further re-consolidation of Apache_Scoring module Ttenbergen 20:53, 2014 May 5 (CDT)


copied to x:\ - Ttenbergen 10:20, 2014 May 5 (CDT)

  • restored ap_physiological score function; had got lost when apache_scoring module was imported from CCMDB.mdb. Ttenbergen 10:14, 2014 May 5 (CDT)


copied to x: Ttenbergen 20:30, 2014 May 1 (CDT)

  • imported updated module Apache_Scoring from CCMDB.mdb. Ttenbergen 18:05, 2014 May 1 (CDT)
  • updated P_Outstanding_Admits to include a "has_discharge_date" field Ttenbergen 20:09, 2014 May 1 (CDT)


released Ttenbergen 17:16, 2014 April 7 (CDT)

  • changed colour for the no-edit version. Ttenbergen 16:10, 2014 April 7 (CDT)


released to x:\ Ttenbergen 12:13, 2014 March 31 (CDT)

  • changed datatypes in created_variables_table to be consistent with data generated by query. Ttenbergen 14:47, 2014 March 24 (CDT)
  • changed created_variables and created_variables_table
    • to get rid of MeanBP with was duplicate (but wrong) of MBP, which is still there, and correct. Ttenbergen 13:36, 2014 March 26 (CDT)
    • changed ES field to be generated by ES: IIf(InStr([Ap_AdmitType],"Emerg")>0,"Y","N"); looked at "Elect" before. Ttenbergen 14:34, 2014 March 27 (CDT)
    • eliminated column "AT" that was just set to "Y"; see Active Treatment - Ttenbergen 16:15, 2014 March 27 (CDT)
  • fixed query primary_admit, it was trying to use rank instead of priority to determine primary. Ttenbergen 13:14, 2014 March 27 (CDT)
  • updated Module "Apache_Scoring" to eliminate "holes" in Hemat, AaDO2 and PO2 scoring - Ttenbergen 15:25, 2014 March 27 (CDT)


rolled to x: - Ttenbergen 16:13, 2014 March 21 (CDT)

  • to get control over the data type of fields in Created_Variables_Table
    • added "calc created variables" button
      • empties table
      • runs query
    • changed query "Created_Variables" to append query
    • changed table "created_variables_table" fields MBP, ApTotal_Physiological and ApTotal_Chronic to numeric
  • changed module "Apache_Scoring" functions "ApTotal_Physiological" and "Ap_Chronic" to specifically return data type long. Ttenbergen 15:44, 2014 March 19 (CDT)
  • changed forms mainpage, patientlist and viewer to have red background when not in proper edit window so that it will be clear that editing would cause version issues Ttenbergen 10:36, 2014 March 21 (CDT)
  • deleted old table "tasks", no longer used, and fixed query "L_Tasks" to pull from L_Dxs instead. Ttenbergen 13:23, 2014 March 21 (CDT)
  • added button between first and last name to sort by last, then first name Ttenbergen 13:50, 2014 March 21 (CDT)
  • updated query "NDC_CLIinAcqDX_NoCLI_DateinTMPV2" to exclude patients discharged before project started (see QA_Infection_Audit#Specs). Ttenbergen 14:07, 2014 March 21 (CDT)
  • added query "NDC_unvetted" to allow filtering for patients who are only "complete" (ie something went wrong in sending, or "sent" or "questioned" (ie in process for vetting). Ttenbergen 14:16, 2014 March 21 (CDT)


released to x: Ttenbergen 16:21, 2014 March 18 (CDT)

  • fixed query ndc_orphans, now that there are sent dates it was complaining. Ttenbergen 16:18, 2014 March 18 (CDT)


released to x: Ttenbergen 15:04, 2014 March 18 (CDT)

  • added query "L_Log_PHI_time_hm" for Julie to test the one-minute-off problem in SAS; sent, admit, transfer and discharge times have been split into separate hour and minute columns. Ttenbergen 12:42, 2014 March 14 (CDT)
    • added columns combining date and times - Ttenbergen 14:51, 2014 March 14 (CDT)
  • vet all sent to facilitate Centralized_data_Vetting_Process#Set_record_as_vetted
    • made query "vet_all_sent" - Ttenbergen 12:46, 2014 March 14 (CDT)
    • added "vet all sent" button to "patientlist" form - Ttenbergen 12:51, 2014 March 14 (CDT)
  • added options "vetted" and "sent" to table "s_RecordStatus" - Ttenbergen 12:55, 2014 March 14 (CDT)
  • fixed query "NDC_VAPinAcqDX_NoVAP_DateinTMPV2"
  • fixed query "NDC_No_VAPinAcqDX_VAP_DateinTMPV2"
  • added query "NDC_CLIinAcqDX_NoCLI_DateinTMPV2"
  • fixing query "Primary_Admit"; needs to have 201583, one for each in L_Log, but only has 188562, missing early ones...


copied to x:\ Ttenbergen 12:35, 2014 March 13 (CDT)

  • applied dd-mmm-yyyy format to DOB field. was using whatever format computer uses Ttenbergen 14:00, 2014 March 12 (CDT)
  • updated query "Created_Variables", for some reason it was only including active locations. Ttenbergen 11:55, 2014 March 13 (CDT)
  • updated query "Patient_List" and form "" to show send_dttm as requested by Pagasa Ttenbergen 12:02, 2014 March 13 (CDT)


copied to x:\ earlier today Ttenbergen 13:58, 2014 March 12 (CDT)

  • imported code to module SHA256 to implement Hash as per email from Brad 2014-03-03. Not fully implemented yet, just wanted to make sure code is in there. Ttenbergen 10:56, 2014 March 10 (CDT)
  • updated Apache scoring module to
    • re-introduce apache physiological function, chronic and ABG function which got lost somehow.
    • update error message to only trigger when called from CCMDB.mdb (only WBC for now)
  • added form TISS_Viewer, using query TISS_Connect, added tab to Patient Viewer form to view it


rolled to x:\

  • fiddled with dx adding some more, was still not working when moving from a *9 to *10 because of text vs number sorting. Fixed now. - Ttenbergen 15:14, 2014 March 6 (CST)


rolled to x:\ - Ttenbergen 09:37, 2014 March 4 (CST)

  • stopped PatientList from requerying each time it becomes activated. This should speed up things a little. Ttenbergen 15:51, 2014 February 28 (CST)
  • added query NDC_orphans - list anyone not sent for whom the sent date is not the max sent date for that location. Ttenbergen 13:07, 2014 March 3 (CST)
    • we won't be able to test this until we get raw data into this because the import process doesn't enter a sent time. Ttenbergen 13:58, 2014 March 3 (CST)
  • fiddled with dx adding, it was giving a duplicate index error. Now it doesn't. I didn't really change anything. Let's see if it happens again. Ttenbergen 09:37, 2014 March 4 (CST)


rolled to x:\, notified group Ttenbergen 11:22, 2014 February 28 (CST)

  • fixed bug where missing phin would break match finder - Ttenbergen 11:02, 2014 February 28 (CST)
  • changed patientlist back to separate firstname lastname fields, the reason they were combined is better accommodated by the filter tool Pagasa now uses. Also, this was causing problems in the match finder - Ttenbergen 11:02, 2014 February 28 (CST)
  • fixed problem with edit button in tmp form not opening with the proper labels - Ttenbergen 11:16, 2014 February 28 (CST)
  • eliminated re-connect at patient list open. Doesn't need to run by default now we have reconnect button - Ttenbergen 11:19, 2014 February 28 (CST)


rolled to x: Ttenbergen 13:57, 2014 February 27 (CST)

  • made version visible from MainPage - Ttenbergen 10:44, 2014 February 26 (CST)
  • updated tmp form project and item dropdowns to allow all available in s_tmp. In CCMDB they were restricted to allowed - Ttenbergen
  • deleted query "lmm_lfp" - Ttenbergen 20:29, 2014 February 26 (CST)
  • added delete button to delete all related records both from phi and centralized; still need to include deleting from TISS... - Ttenbergen 20:29, 2014 February 26 (CST)
  • included linking to external table s_AllDiagnoses in connector - Ttenbergen 13:41, 2014 February 27 (CST)


was rolled on 2014-02-24

  • added double-click to PHIN field, when double-clicked will filter list to all pt with that PHIN - Ttenbergen 20:49, 2014 February 24 (CST)
  • removed error box in forms form_diags and form_comos - Ttenbergen 20:52, 2014 February 24 (CST)
  • forms updated to generate d_diag_id for new recordsTtenbergen 22:17, 2014 February 24 (CST)
    • form_diags
    • form_comos
    • form_l_labs_flowsheet
    • form L_Pharm_flow
    • (currently no unique id field in tmp, so no action needed)


put to x: - Ttenbergen 17:23, 2014 February 24 (CST)

  • fixed location dropdown, it was still checking against settings - Ttenbergen 16:50, 2014 February 24 (CST)
  • fixed var1-6 drop downs, were still checking against settings - Ttenbergen 16:59, 2014 February 24 (CST)
  • got rid of error listing box in viewer that had been used in ccmdb.mdb - Ttenbergen 17:03, 2014 February 24 (CST)
  • moved dx code to left in dx chooser, turns out it was already there but off the right off the screen due to Pagasa's small screen - Ttenbergen 17:08, 2014 February 24 (CST)
  • in PatientList, combined firstname and lastname in one field so they will sort together - Ttenbergen 17:18, 2014 February 24 (CST)


not rolled yet ( actually was rolled...)

  • imported query s_como (the como only subset from s_alldiagnoses) from ccmdb.mdb to fix listing for comos. Ttenbergen 14:12, 2014 February 13 (CST)
  • changed form PatientList to Pagasa's specs Ttenbergen 18:09, 2014 February 13 (CST)


  • added functionality to automate re-linking of files after copying
  • changed .mdb to open to a new form mainpage to give option to relink or to open PatientList. Unlinked tables were making it impossible to open PatientList. Ttenbergen 10:27, 2014 February 3 (CST)
  • added likely match finder button, form and code; button on patientlist form will open likely_match form that contains all records matching the current record on at least three of (first name, last name, phin, birth, chart); doesn't include sex or site in comparison so may bring up false-positives, which is OK, though, since it will still give a much shortened list to Pagasa to choose which PHIN to use. Ttenbergen 23:50, 2014 February 3 (CST)
  • added test for appropriate number of decimal places to the Apache scoring code; this was instead of making the ranges gapless. Initially I thought that Julie's code had them gapless, but it doesn't, so I give up; testing for the appropriate number of decimal places should prevent errors. If #ofdps is too high, the function will return a -99 and give an error. Ttenbergen 14:28, 2014 February 5 (CST)
  • fixed the match maker, didn't work with missing PHIN with is main use case
  • changed the PatientList to Pagasa's preferences
    • removed the sort buttons because they did not work with new listings, and right-click does work
    • added/removed fields


  • added/updated the following queries:
    • NDC_Chart_9_Digit
    • NDC_DiffPhin_SameLN_FN_DOB
    • NDC_Highest_PseudoPHIN
    • NDC_PHIN_Fake_or_blank
    • NDC_SamePHIN_Diff_LN_FN_DOB
    • NDC_SamePHIN_Site_Diff_chart
    • Count_Of_Admissions
    • Summary_Discharges
  • Modified form: Patient List
    • added drop-down to include all queries with the "NDC" prefix. When a query is selected, the [Patient List] form is filtered down to the results of the selected query using the [D_ID] field.
    • added a button beside the drop-down to remove any filters in place.
    • queries added with the "NDC" prefix must return the [D_ID] field. This is tested for prior to attempting to filter the data. If a selected/created query does not contain the [D_ID] field the user is prompted and given the opportunity to edit the query or return to the unfiltered form.


  • temporarily added 2 queries 1check_* to test with minimum moving parts whether SAS can not access built-in and/or user defined functions Ttenbergen 22:24, 2014 January 19 (CST)
  • temporarily made table created_variables_table to allow Julie to continue testing content while we work out why SAS can't see the created_variables query. Ttenbergen 22:24, 2014 January 19 (CST)



  • adding query Created_Variables to implement Created Variables in TMSX or Med TMS Ttenbergen 15:42, 2014 January 2 (CST)
  • added function fiscal_year(date) Ttenbergen 20:40, 2014 January 15 (CST)
  • re-imported s_tables and apache scoring from newest version of ccmdb_program Ttenbergen 20:40, 2014 January 15 (CST)
  • added reconnect button to main form; clicking will ask for directory that contains centralized and phi and reconnect them Ttenbergen 20:40, 2014 January 15 (CST)
  • added "pseudo" button to patient viewer, above PHIN field; clicking will put next new PseudoPHIN into PHIN field. Ttenbergen 20:54, 2014 January 15 (CST)
  • added query ADL_scores
  • fixed query Primary_admit
  • added query Charlson_Comorbid_Score
  • added Module for MOST score, work in progress


rolled out to X:\ on 2013-12-30

  • imported Viewer form and sub-forms from CCMDB.mdbTtenbergen 15:59, 2013 November 7 (CST)
  • commenting out checkers
  • changing the expected data structure
  • converted to 2002 format at least
  • did a compile on all the VB code
  • set PatientList to be the form that opens at startup Ttenbergen 22:26, 2013 November 18 (CST)
  • cleaned up viewer form, removed a few references that were not needed, recompiled Ttenbergen 11:39, 2013 November 19 (CST)
  • made SAS front end query for Labs Ttenbergen 12:45, 2013 November 19 (CST)
  • disabled all fields on the patient list, edits should happen in actual form - Ttenbergen 15:05, 2013 December 30 (CST)
  • removed input masks from dates in form view. Ttenbergen 15:11, 2013 December 30 (CST)
  • consolidated date formats in form view Ttenbergen 15:14, 2013 December 30 (CST)
  • added query SAS_L_Log:
    • contains all fields from L_Log
    • GCS
      • adds GCS plain-score fields AP_(eye/motor/verbal)_pts
      • adds GCS_sum field
    • ADL
      • adds ADL plain-score fields ADL_(bathing/dressing/etc)_score
      • adds MOST-score fields ADL_(bathing/dressing/etc)_MOST Ttenbergen 16:17, 2013 December 30 (CST)
      • adds sums ADLs as ADL_Score_sum and ADL_MOST_sum Ttenbergen 16:17, 2013 December 30 (CST)
  • added query SAS_L_Dxs:
    • contains L_Dxs where adm_acqu <> "Task"
    • added fields DxCode for numerical code instead of resolved dx name, and DxCodeMainOnly for main-dx part of code Ttenbergen 16:38, 2013 December 30 (CST)
  • added query SAS_L_Tasks:
    • contains L_Dxs where adm_acqu = "Task"