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Revision as of 10:13, 16 March 2016 by Ttenbergen (talk | contribs) (brought over info from Vic local instructions)
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Location VIC S3
First Admission October 1 2005
Program Medicine
Hospital VIC
Nr of Beds not entered
Collection Unit Phone:
Collection Unit Fax :
Collection Unit Manager : {{{Collection Unit Manager }}}
Collection Unit Manager Phone : {{{Collection Unit Manager Phone}}}
Collection Unit Clerk : {{{Collection Unit Clerk }}}




Location profile

Non-acute geri rehab unit. Bed numbers 301-1 to 318-4 number of beds: 28 total-all open

  • 14 beds allocated for VMU/CTU and 14 beds allocated for FM. Unique to S3 is a census sheet that is maintained and updated by hand to track admissions and discharges as the unit admission/discharge log book is often incomplete. The census sheet is cross referenced with the Unit addressographs periodically and the date recorded on the census sheet.
  • Unit S3 is a medical rehab unit with 28 beds total. Both Family Medicine program and VMU/CTU programs admit patients. These patients are all medically stable with d/c planning issues. Examples include PCH, Geri-rehab, awaiting HC, should these patients develop acute problems, they are transferred off the unit.
  • Template:Discussion the following came from [[]] and may be inconsistent with the above, needs to be integrated. Replaced in local instructions with link to here:

Unit 3 is a medical rehab ward. It has 30 beds. Both FM Family Medicine program(we do not admit FM patients) and the VMU and CTU patients are admitted to this unit.All CTU and VMU patients are readmitted once they come to this unit from 4S/5S/5N .This information is entered in the 5N/5S laptop.There can be anywhere from 10-20 VMU patients on unit 3 at any one time, it fluctuates. These patients are all medically stable with d/c planning issues. They are usually PCH bound, Geri-rehab bound, awaiting HC, many things, but when they become unstable, they get moved off that ward.The same process as above is used to admit these patients.


  • Unit local 3303, fax 204-275-5213
  • Unit Manager is Suzanne Campeau; local 3397; pager 204-932-7266
  • Unit Clerk is Jovial (Joe) Anoling; often no Unit Clerk on S3