Postal Code field
This field is currently being implemented, please check the instructions and put a discussion for anything that isn't clear.
The Postal_Code field will contain Postal code collection data.
The field will move to a different tab probably, not sure yet how things will look when the old fields are all cleaned out. Thoughts? Template:Discussion
Collection Instruction
Postal code collection will be moved to or referenced from here.
postal code missing
- Will there be some way to indicate that the postal code is unknown? Currently we have a spot to check off.--CMarks 15:03, 2016 April 11 (CDT)
- Good catch! I will need to come up with something when I implement the integrity checks. Probably something along the lines of typing "none", rather than an extra field. Think that would work? Ttenbergen 18:20, 2016 April 11 (CDT)
Data Use
Postal code collection will be moved to or referenced from here.
Template:CCMDB Data Integrity Checks
- will no longer need query s_tmp_Postal_duplicate
Need to re-implement existing checks for this field. see also #postal code missing
Data started out being collected in the tmp field.