Setting up a new location

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To set up the computer infrastructure for a new location... Setting up a new Location/PDA

The AutoSetup_copy_to_root_c folder contains files to automate the setup of the synching for the PDAs. For more information on the contents of this folder, see the Documentation.doc file in this folder.

Every Data Collection PC has a “New Program” folder on its desktop, and each of them contains a file called debug.bat. When run upon request during troubleshooting, this file copies the sync log (and the verbose sync loc if available) from that PC to the Debug folder to help with off-site trouble-shooting.

The “L_”-files are linked internally from the L_Log file, so aside from troubleshooting scenarios, you should only ever have to open the L_Log file.

The process to set up the syncing is partly automated. Details on the Regional Server in the folder

  • \Maintenance\AutoSetup_copy_to_root_c

Paste from web draft

Setup Process for new CCMDB DB


- ActiveSync is installed to default - HanDBase is installed to default - accounts on the regional server are set up - Installer may need admin access to PC, depending on Windows version.

1. Put files into place. - CCMDB.mdb should be at … - MS ActiveSync directory should be default - Local HanDBase files (L_*) should be at… - Standard HanDBase (S_*)files should be at … These files should already be present since they are the same for all Data Collectors.

--- Decide Roll-out plan - what will be the file locations? <Our Regional Server Directory>\Output\<hosp>\<batch>_<Hosp>_<Ward>_.csv <Our Regional Server Directory>\L_HanDBase\<Hosp>_<Ward>\ <Our Regional Server Directory>\S_HanDBase\ <Our Regional Server Directory>\Programs\<Hosp>_<Ward>\


2. Set up Settings

3. Set up Syncing - set paths and run localizer.bat batch file to make .hde and .conf files for location from ‘template’ - set up configuration for L_* files - change multisyncsettings from “synchronize” to “oneway_hhtodk” - set up configuration for S_* files - change multisyncsettings from “synchronize” to “oneway_dktohh” - make sure no “@”s remain in the multisyncsettings file.

Additional Info Required

some of these as separate pages

  • getting accounts
  • getting a PC/network drop/PDA
  • generating a new copy of <all>
