Statistician's PC
This page contains information that might be required by anyone who needs to do a re-build on the Statistician's computer.
Special Software installed
- looks like this can be run with the standard Shared Health install now
- Yearly license is made thru University of Manitoba. Contact Person Melanie Hamel. See details in shared folder S:\MED\MED_CCMED\Julie\Software_License_Renewal\SAS Renewal.
- Melanie Hamel emails Julie about the software renewal notice along with the renewal application form. The SAS renewal application is being filled up by Julie and submitted to Hana Forbes, the Managing Director of Medicine for approval and Tom Fraser submit it to U of Manitoba.
- The SAS renewal code is emailed after few days. Julie needs to request Shared Health IT to renew the SAS software.
- The Statistician Julie Mojica is also a staff of University of Manitoba.
Installing SAS to new computer
- Most recent version SAS94_1TM7 64bit was sent via shared file from U of Manitoba IST Service Desk Dec 14, 2023.
- Old SAS94T1M3 software has 6 CD's to be installed. The CD's are in Julie's cabinet. Ask Shared Health IT /helpdesk to do the installation to the new computer.
- Once done, test run using a SAS program with proc import code from ACCESS /EXCEL.
- #SAS 9.4 gives the following error:
ERROR: Connect: Class not registered ERROR: Error in the LIBNAME statement.
The solution is for someone with admin rights to install the following,
- 2013 Runtime - use the 64-bit one
- regular install
- Started Date : 2009-2021 (Chart Runner), 2021 - present SQC Pack 8
- 2024 Yearly License is made thru Advantive LLC.
- The provider, Advantive LLC, sends an invoice for the next year license renewal to the Stat Analyst.
- The Stat Analyst sends the invoice to the Admin Assistant. She then prepares the Cheque/EFT requisition form and sends to Finance.
- Finance processes the payment to Advantive LLC by sending Advantive a copy of the ACH Template.pdf and asking Advantive to complete the ACH form to be sent back with voided cheque for verification of the banking information. Upon receipt of the ACH filled up form, Finance pays the amount by following the payment instruction.
- Finance informs the Admin Asst and Stat Analyst that payment has already been done.
- The provider, Advantive LLC, emails the renewal code to the Stat Analyst and she does the renewal of the SQC pack 8 software on her computer herself.
- 2023 stopped because PQ System was sold to Advantive LLC- Yearly license is made thru PQ Systems. Contact person is Marilou Brown. See details in shared folder S:\MED\MED_CCMED\Julie\Software_License_Renewal\CharRunner Renewal
- Software renewal processing to Finance (contact Josie Abad) is being handled by Teresita Casilan, the admin Assistant of the Critical Care Director.
- The provider PQ Systems, emails the renewal code to Julie and she does the renewal of the software herself.
- Chart Runner Lean stopped its upgrading 2021 and has been replaced by SQC pack in 2021.
- Two licenses for the Statistician of CCMDB Julie Mojica and Dr. Kendiss Olafson from the Outcomes Improvement Team
- Starting 2023, only one license for Julie Mojica is being paid by the Critical Care Program. The other license is being paid by Dr. Kendiss Olafson.
- Starting 2024, the second license will be used by the Head of the Critical Care OIT and paid by Critical Care Program. The present head is Dr. Carmen Hrymak.
- Have been used for Canada Vital Sign Monitor until 2014 and then for Critical Care Program Quality Indicator Report up to present
Transferring SQCPack8 to new computer
On your current laptop, open SQCpack. Then go to Menu at the top and then click on Database. You will see near the top of the window information regarding the database you currently have open.
For instance, I am connected to a Single-user database and the specific database location/file is listed. If I needed to move this database to a new computer, I would go to that folder location and would grab a copy of the SampleDatabase.mdf file as well as the SampleDatabase_log.ldf
On the new laptop, install SQCpack. HERE is the link on our site for the installation file for version 8. Then you can paste copies of your database .mdf and log.ldf files in a new spot of your choosing. Then you can open SQCpack and go to Menu – Database and at the bottom expand the Single-user SQCpack database (hit the Show button) and then you can click on the “Open a single-user SQCpack database”. Browse to the location of the .mdf file. You have now connected to your database.
The other important note about moving things to a new computer is if you made charts that were based on external sources (Excel files, Access files, etc). Those files would need to be copied/moved to the new computer as well. Keep in mind that when you made Charts within SQCpack to point to any external sources, like an Excel file on your desktop, that it is looking for an .xlsx file in a specific file path. If you move those external files to the new computer and change their file path location, that can break the connection to those charts. You might need to edit the Charts to repoint them to the right files.
Problem in SQC Pack
Error encountered: The 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine.'
Please follow the steps below. You can also pass this along to your IT team.
Try the following steps exactly as written.
- Go to
- Download "AccessDatabaseEngine.exe" and save it somewhere (Do NOT download the x64 version)
- Open Command Prompt from the start menu
- Type "Start" followed by the file path to AccessDatabaseEngine.exe and finally end it with /passive
It will look something like: C:\Users\root>Start C:\Users\root\Desktop\AccessDatabaseEngine.exe /passive
Legacy Issue in Chart Runner Lean and SAS Software together in the computer
click expand to see Legacy Issue in Chart Runner Lean Software |
CFE ACCESS on the new computer
- In order to open the database and update data with no problem every time cleaned data comes in, make sure that MS ACCESS 2019 has been set up with automatical trust entry on the new laptop by Shared Health. Refer to these links for details :
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