Tmp Project Collection

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The Critical Care and Medicine Database has a flexible method of quickly adding additional values required for temporary Projects. Setting up a new tmp project documents just that.

Collection instructions

For a list of projects we have collected and their collection instructions, see Projects.

To enter temporary study data for a patient:

  1. open the patient to add a move in the Patient Viewer
  2. go to the Temp. Studies Tab
  3. choose the Project as directed in the Project's page for the first dropdown
  4. choose the item for the second dropdown
  5. if you want to see field names and the link to the relevant wiki page:
    • click on the "pencil" to the left of the new entry to save it
    • click the "edit" button to open the entry with the labels appropriate for its study; this also contains a link to the wiki page for the project.
  6. enter the remaining required fields as instructed in the article for Project the study you are working on]

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