Setting up a new tmp project

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The Critical Care and Medicine Database has a flexible method of quickly adding additional values required for temporary Projects. Tmp Project Collection explains how or data collectors collect these.

Here are the pages that document how to run a project:

"dropdown" functionality

To make "dropdown" functionality available, add a line to s_tmp table. The "project" will be the same for each dropdown, and the item will be different. See the s_tmp table for examples, and try the dropdown there.

implementation details   

This is driven by some code that updates the dropdown source for the item combobox when the project combobox triggers a change event. This happens both in Patient Viewer Tab Tmp and in TmpV2 editor form.

Automatic Generation of TMP entries

To make it easier for collectors to know what projects are currently collected, starting entries for projects that require an entry for every profile (possibly at a given site/program) are automatically created at profile creation through Automatic Generation of TMP entries.

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