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==What to do with completed Data Collection log forms- August 29.13==
==What to do with completed Data Collection log forms- August 29.13==
Stop faxing copies of collection log to main office.  Only send in the '''original form''' to main office once it is completed meaning, all discharges for that month are filled in on the form.  There is no need to keep copies or original in data collection office. [[User:PTorres|PTorres]] 16:03, 2013 August 29 (CDT)
Stop faxing copies of collection log to main office.  Only send in the '''original form''' to main office once it is completed meaning, all discharges for that month are filled in on the form.  There is no need to keep copies or original in data collection office. [[User:PTorres|PTorres]] 16:03, 2013 August 29 (CDT)
*Just so you know, when there is a discrepancy, the information on the laptop trumps the information in the paper log sheets.  Also, the medicine log sheets should be updated because we do not use the term "move" anymore and this should be changed to ER wait.  I also find that occasionally I need to refer to my old log sheets as Pagasa sometimes asks about patients from way back and sometimes only gives me a serial number.  If we send in our original sheets I will assume that this practice will have to stop.  --[[User:LKolesar|LKolesar]] 07:47, 2013 August 30 (CDT)

Revision as of 07:47, 2013 August 30

The Data collection log form also know as PDA collection log form, is a paper form that the data collectors use to manually record serial number, FN, LN, Admit from, Admit Date/time, discharge date/time, transfer Ready date/time, green sheet/tiss completed. The medicinepaper form is slightly different in that it includes columns for up to 2 move date/times.

This form is basically a "worksheet" that the collector uses to organize patient admit/discharge lists from ward log books before they enter into a electronic collection tool, currently a laptop. After collector enters information into laptop, some of the information is display on laptop in Patient List.

These forms "live" for a time being, in a data collector's binder.

The Data Processor uses info on this form when they are unit, admit from, discharge to and date error she can cross check on log. The Data Processor files this information in binders by year, site/unit in main office.

The Data collection log form is not the same as a Ward admission log forms.

Patient List refers to list in CCMDB.mdb


To see a copy of the Data Collection Log form go to:

Staff are not supposed to use their own version of the Data Collection Logs nor should they be making photocopies of this form. It cost more to photocopy than to get a batch done in the printshop. We currently have a number of versions of the data collection log forms that staff are using. If you are one of those units that are using a version other than one shown in link above, please contact the Data Processor and she will order them from printshop. -Trish Ostryzniuk 14:59, 2012 October 24 (CDT)

What to do with completed Data Collection log forms- August 29.13

Stop faxing copies of collection log to main office. Only send in the original form to main office once it is completed meaning, all discharges for that month are filled in on the form. There is no need to keep copies or original in data collection office. PTorres 16:03, 2013 August 29 (CDT)


  • Just so you know, when there is a discrepancy, the information on the laptop trumps the information in the paper log sheets. Also, the medicine log sheets should be updated because we do not use the term "move" anymore and this should be changed to ER wait. I also find that occasionally I need to refer to my old log sheets as Pagasa sometimes asks about patients from way back and sometimes only gives me a serial number. If we send in our original sheets I will assume that this practice will have to stop. --LKolesar 07:47, 2013 August 30 (CDT)

Template:Potential ChangeTemplate:Discussion Trish, you have this labelled as a potential change. Are you hoping for any action from me? Ttenbergen 23:57, 2012 October 30 (EDT)

  • It seems that after surveying staff, we cannot drop the Paper Data collection Log form, not yet anyways. Staff use it to help organize their work and cannot seem to just be able to use the laptop Patient List. The staff are keeping these form incase Pagasa calls them.
    • until someone can think of an alternate way for staff to keep track of serial numbers used, in particular those that use specific serial number blocks when collecting on different wards, we will continue with the log sheet. I haven't been able to come up with any further idea here.Trish Ostryzniuk 16:25, 2013 August 29 (CDT)

Data Collector Use

how is this used?

this article was moved over from a feedback article.

Now that most places are using laptops I have had some feedback regarding the patient list screen. It sounds like some of you would be able to do away with your "paper" data collection log forms (aka PDA collection log forms) if that screen had slightly different information than it does now.

  • Would this screen now work to eliminate the log sheets? If not, what is required?
  • Let me know if the new listing works, e.g. I am totally open to order of components and delimiters (ie brackets, spaces, commas, dashes...)
  • we could save space also by changing the formats of admit and discharge columns. Are times required? How about hours only, or no year? Full info would still be available in patient record
  • We could make the record on the patient list into two lines if we need more info or larger fonts, but there would be a lot more scrolling. For example, is more space of the Notes field required?

Options for changes to the Patient List

Reverted to old style Patient List as of CCMDB.mdb_Change_Log_2012#ver_2012-10-15. Please at the article for the Patient List if there are still concerns. This article will go away once I have redistributed the details.

Usage of the paper data collection patient log form


At HSC on H4 & H4H I use the log collection for quick references,Pagasa also uses the page to check out times,I also get staff on the wards using it, their log books are a mess, We all share H4H with unique log numbers and if gone it would make it virtually impossible to remember our last log numbers--PStein 07:43, 2012 September 24 (CDT)

  • I agree with Pat about the H4H log numbers. I personally find I utilize it daily, the ward frequently asks questions, that are easily and quickly answered by having a log sheet. I think that it takes minimal time to record this information and the benefit of having this is very worthwhile.--FLindell 07:55, 2012 September 24 (CDT)
    • Interesting point. So, wherever multiple collectors share a ward the log book is used to keep track of who collects which patients using what number. Documented that in PDA collection log form#Data Collector Use. Ttenbergen 10:05, 2012 September 24 (CDT)
      • I also agree with Pat.--CMarks 12:36, 2012 September 24 (CDT)
        • I look at other collectors collection log forms all the time to make sure times and dates are correct.At present I can't look on the Transfer Tracker.mdb transfer tracker for admit times and dates to other sites.Since MICU sends people out daily to other collections sites, I really use those logs!If you get rid of them it will increase my workload.GHall 19:34, 2012 September 24 (CDT)
          • One more point, D5 & B3 use consecutive numbers also. These would be hard to keep track of without a paper log for the really quick admissions & discharges that are sometimes seen on B3.--CMarks 13:22, 2012 October 1 (CDT)
            • The use of the paper log only takes seconds for me to do & I find it invaluable, for eg: I have erased my serial # and I would not know the number to replace if i didn't have it written down somewhere--PStein 08:04, 2012 October 2(CDT)
              • I do not like the revised log page on the laptop. I get no value from the change and find it hard to read.--Jpeterson 08:15, 2012 October 2 (CDT)
                • I prefer the old patient list page. I find the new version too busy and I do not need to see the PHIN or DOB in this screen.--Lpruden2 10:57, 2012 October 9 (CDT)
                  • I agree with Pat and Con...please go back to previous design for front page!--Llemoine 07:55, 2012 October 10 (CDT)


  • At StB we do not use the room #column and this could be removed. If you were to remove the paper logs, we would need to see the "admit from and discharge to" information. It seems that most people like to use the paper logs which I think could be optional. Pagasa needs to know that the computer data should trump the log sheets. For example, sometimes I may change my admit time on the computer but do not always remember or bother to change it on the paper log because this is not a permanent record. I personally would not mind trialling a period without the paper logs to see if it would present any difficulties once all the columns on the patient view were fixed to see the pertinent information. --LKolesar 09:08, 2012 September 25 (CDT)
    • I am not sure how it was decided that we need the phin and chart numbers and DOB in the patient list view on our laptops?? I think this is an unnecessary use of the space. Was a vote taken on what we wanted in the patient list view? If so, I must have missed this. Now, I have to scroll every time I want to see if a patient was discharged and I really dislike the patient list view in it's present form. I would like to know what rationale was used for changing the view in the first place. Please comment!!


  • We only use the room number space when we transfer a pt from VM to VW or VW to VW other than that we do not use and we can put this info into our notes section
    • sent out email to let all collectors know to move room number info into Notes; waiting to hear back -- Ttenbergen 12:28, 2012 September 20 (CDT)
  • Here at the Vic we don't have Medicine Patient log sheets on the wards they use their own admit discharge book so it is worthwhile to have a Data collection Log sheet Plus Pagasa always request that we photocopy and send this to her periodically.
    • I don't think sending in the log is still required. Pagasa/Trish, can you confirm? -- Ttenbergen 12:28, 2012 September 20 (CDT) Template:Discussion
      • Pagasa and Trish were looking at discussion about whether or not Pagasa needs to data collection registry/patient log that the girls use as worksheets to organize themselves. Pagasa does not need the registry log if the collector will use the transfer tracker. We had not asked the collectors to stop faxing or mailing in their data collection registry logs to the main office when they have completed all their discharged patients for the previous month instead of piling them up in their office. We had kept them here and used the opportunity of having these worksheets to look up patients when the checking of linked data was showing wrong discharge or admit to and if dates overlap. Some collectors put alot of work keeping these worksheets up with exactly same information in latop data, other staff do not therefore, we can't rely on the registry log sheet worksheet for information. This was only intended to be a worksheet to help collector organize themselves, We don't enforced that this sheet be pristinely maintained for that reason. We really don't need them if collectors use the transfer tracker to check when patient move to other sites or units. Pagasa can use transfer tracker to check however, because we only keep 7 weeks, then this may not be helpful to her. For quarterly reports, linking admissions occurs in the forth month after to previous quarter of year. PTorres 12:05, 2012 October 1 (CDT)

  • Since I have three wards on my lap top, I use the 'rec' column (on the patient list page) to sort my patient list by the ward they are on. Therefore I need the 'rec' space. I do not use the room space often except when a patient is moved to another ward. Then I can quickly track a chart I'm looking for. (Judy)
    • We are keeping the rec column-- Ttenbergen 10:41, 2012 September 21 (CDT)



  • I use the "Rec" to keep track of the location of the patients/their record. In the "R" space I enter the date I last reviewed (ie 09/20),or if the file is not started (New),.. or if Complete but need cxr and pathogens or more information (ie Cxp/ch). The patient list screen is my work sheet--I sort so all ward pts., all MR pts and all ICU are grouped together.
  • I like the Data Collection Log as a quick reference. The ICU patient log book is not always filled in; and, I do not go back and enter the correct times of transfer or discharge nor the correct 'discharge to' location. Our log is the only complete and correct list of pt. admit/transfer/discharge information that is easily available at each site; should we need to clarify times, locations, etc.. The other option to get this information would entail pulling the charts, checking with Medical Records, the Main Office etc. I find it takes minimal time to enter and complete the Data Collection Log at this community site.11:53, 2012 September 24 (CDT)
    • I agree with Laura"s comment re the DOB and the PHIN. I do like the chart number being visible and readily available for retrieving lab values on Keas at HSC.Mlaporte 10:59, 2012 October 1 (CDT)
      • I vote to go back to the old version--Mlaporte 11:12, 2012 October 10 (CDT)


  • At SOGH there is a log in the ICU and one I keep. I add the patients as they are admitted into the ICU by serial number and name only and complete the remainder of the info in my log as the charts are completed. I only use the ICU for the minimal data set and do not usually make further changes in it. I like my log as it is a quick visual as to what I am doing on a daily basis and ensures that no files are missed. I am not doing any corrections on it and therefore it really is no extra work. It helps me prioritize and keeps me organized--Lpruden2 (talk) 13:27, 2012 September 20 (CDT)

Main Office - The data Ranch

A very Good opportunity to revisit and look for ideas to reduce and/or eliminate the work associated with these paper patient logs. The patient log is a carry over from the beginnings when we did not have electronic collection tools. We have not made it optional to date. We had made some attempts when in past when we went to laptops to try to eliminate these paper patient logs and just use the laptop for direct entry to try in order to reduce the burden of workload associated with transcribing from ward logs onto these paper logs and then entering into laptop.

  • I will revisit with Pagasa and review the need to FAX these logs. Pagasa has been using logs as one method to try and reduce the number of emails or calls to collectors. Collectors had voiced their concern about her following up entry errors in the past so many are putting alot of effort to document details on them.
    • as asked above, any news on this? -- Ttenbergen 12:29, 2012 September 20 (CDT) Template:Discussion
      • It used occasionally as a reference by processor when collector make errors with units, dates etc. It is another source of to cross check for Pagasa before she calls sites. We really don't need the paper Registry log list. These are worksheets for data collectors to help organize their work, some staff put alot of effort into them and fill in all fields and keep info up to date, alot staff do not so not a realiable source for Pagasa just an additional crosscheck source.Trish Ostryzniuk 19:42, 2012 October 11 (CDT)

Main Office Use

  • to check for patients which were missed on the Laptop. Not used very often. Only when statistician is linking data between wards or ICU/Med, is when this type of problem is identified.
    • example: When minimal data is not being entered by some of the staff directly into PDA/laptop, I asked the staff to fax a copy of PDA Collection Log Form. Staff will complete this form first before they input patient information into PDA.
  • to check on dates discrepancies. Statistician usually catch them and advises Processor, who first check PDA Collection Log Form, and if not clear on this paper for (not all collectors fill in all the information on this logs so they are not always helpful), then she will email collector to follow up.
  • If the Regional Server is down, or there is no backup copy of the files that are accessible (some do not do regular backups to server), there is no other way to check basic information
  • can cross check the actual number of patient. This is not done very often at all.



The PDA collection log (data collection log) was a useful form when we started data collection manually. Recording the information on this form is actually duplicating what is being entered into the PDA or laptop. We will be reviewing some alternate ideas that may lend themselves to the elimination of this form. Transcribing information onto paper then inputting into PDA or laptop adds to the workload of collection. No changes at the moment but will keep you posted.-TOstryzniuk 19:03, 17 May 2010 (CDT)

  • Time to think about this again? Ttenbergen 10:10, 2012 September 6 (CDT)
    • feedback from collection staff is that they need these paper forms in order to organize their work before inputting into laptop. Too difficult to do direct input into laptop while on wards/units in a number of cases.
      • Pagasa refers to this form when needed, but really not often enough to justify this as being one of the significant reasons to keep this form. --Trish Ostryzniuk 19:16, 2012 October 18 (CDT)[User:TOstryzniuk|Trish Ostryzniuk]] 19:12, 2012 October 18 (CDT)