CCMDB.mdb Change Log 2015
see Log (disambiguation) for other uses of the term "Log" see the Development Documentation Category for other development logs
The CCMDB.mdb Change Log logs changes made to the CCMDB.mdb. New entries should be made at the top to be immediately apparent.
Enter requested CCMDB changes for the next version in that article.
not rolled yet Ttenbergen 10:30, 2015 March 30 (CDT)
- changed diagnoses
- "Iatrogenic Baclofen OD" to "Baclofen OD" Ttenbergen 10:30, 2015 March 30 (CDT)
- changed como names to help coding for Renal insufficiency-mild (creatinine 160-240 mmol) and [[ Renal insufficiency-moderate (creatinine greater than 241 mmol)]] Ttenbergen 12:14, 2015 March 30 (CDT)
- removed some legacy code that cleaned up A_Info table in 2013Ttenbergen 10:32, 2015 March 30 (CDT)
- fixed sub MinimizeRibbons() to always hide the top ribbon on startup Ttenbergen 10:46, 2015 March 30 (CDT)
rolled Ttenbergen 17:38, 2015 February 5 (CST)
- made sure ARF label from most recent previous version is only visible for critical care. Ttenbergen 14:57, 2015 February 5 (CST)
rolled out Ttenbergen 11:35, 2015 February 4 (CST)
- added STB_5B_x to table s_tmp_er_wait_r_locations so that error checking will work properly, was giving false-positive pre-send error Ttenbergen 10:16, 2015 February 4 (CST)
- Hospice - confirmed that JH, GH and BH are in table s_varOptions; added the descriptions as well.
- moved window for query s_tmp_ER_Wait_has_tmp_not_from_ER higher on the screen, it was hidden at the bottom of the screen requiring scrolling before.
- updated form View
- changed label from "filter" to "LTV"
- eliminated options no longer used from drop-down
- made label into link to wiki
- added the field to the hider function so it is shown only for CC as wiki says only used for CC
- removed some erratic code from module tmp_checker that was trying to set form components when it is not run from that form
- added hover-over hint to arf field; if you click in and hover over it it will tell criteria
- changed label into link to ARF (APACHE)
Rolled out Ttenbergen 16:32, 2015 January 19 (CST)
- added notes column to table S_AdmitDischarge. Ttenbergen 15:29, 2015 January 15 (CST)
- implement Serial_number#STB_5B:_Serial_number_share_plan
- added location STB_5B_X to table S Locations and to table s_locations_allowed_collection
- added code to cause error if the Notes field has too much content ( 14:30, 2015 January 19 (CST)
rolled out Ttenbergen 15:26, 2015 January 15 (CST)
- updated table s_tmp to hide QAInf, QASeptic and Cooling from Medicine where it is not collected. Ttenbergen 12:25, 2015 January 5 (CST)
- updated function Validate_DOB(); it was doing a soft-reject at age 107, will now do hard reject at age 120 Ttenbergen 10:55, 2015 January 15 (CST)
- changed s_Pathogens PCP (pneumoystic carinii) to PJP (Pneumocystis jiroveci) Ttenbergen 10:57, 2015 January 15 (CST)
- S_VarOptions: added var1/2 locations for hospices, allow access from all sites: GH - Grace Hospice, JH-Jocelyn House, BH - Brummitt-Feasby ALS House
- S_AdmitDischarge: added ZH-Hospice Care Center