Discharge Register

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Revision as of 17:53, 2019 January 3 by Ttenbergen (talk | contribs)
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This article explains how to use EPR Reports to generate a list of EMIP. All sites use this process to identify these patients. Details of who collects these patients are stored in the local EMIP articles (see in Category: EMIP).


  1. Go to Citrix Apps on Desktop
  2. Click on EPR Reports
  3. Log in with username and password as your first log in into the computer (NOT the xxdc one)
  4. Click on "Patient List Reports"
  5. Click on "Discharge Register"
  6. Click on "Change the following filters"
    • "Facility" = <your hospital>
    • "Visit type" = inpatient
    • "d/c date from" and "d/c date to" - date range up to 31 days
    • "Unit" = depends on what you are looking for, e.g. "Emergency" for EMIPs that left hospital rather than went to non-medicine units
    • "Attending providers" = "<All>"
  7. Click the View Report button

The following needs clarification, I don't have a report in front of me, how would a new collector read which of these are EMIPs and which not? Emailed Laura Ttenbergen 16:53, 2019 January 3 (CST)

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In the generated list, the patients that had been accepted by medicine will be indicated by the medical service in the list. Because the pt was discharged elsewhere but had been accepted by the medicine service, this defines the EMIP's. Some patients in the list may not be under medicine service, we do not use these.

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