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All data collection offices in the Regional have access to a printer in your office. If you lose your connection to your printer, please call eHealth ServiceDesk.

You can trouble shoot this yourself if you know the name of the print server and the printer name. Some of these are already in the table below, please update it if you have local information.

setting up a printer

To set up the printer so you can print:

  1. Open a File Explorer window (e.g. press windows key - E)
  2. cut and paste the print server for your printer from the table below into the address bar
  3. find the printer from the table below and double-click it.
  4. when a window titled with the printer name appears the printer is installed

Alternatively you can use the laptop printer setup batch file

  1. The regional server maintenance folder contains a batch file that can assist in connecting to a network printer.
  2. The batch file is named "laptop setup printer.bat" and takes the parameters "server" and "printer queue name".
  3. It can be used to Add, Change or Remove a printer connection from the laptop.

Table of printers used by CCMDB offices

office print server printer name printer model contracted/owned note
Health Sciences Center Office \\hsc1msfp0022 HSGF216XPRO1 Lexmark LXMS312DN (we think because it is labelled so poorly) #Owned
HSC Main office \\hsc1msfp0022 HSJJ387XPR01 Lexmark X463 #contracted
HSC Main office \\hsc1msfp0022 HSJJ387XPRO2 HP LaserJet P2055dn #Owned - U of M, Dept of Internal Medicine
HSC Main office \\hsc1msfp0022 HSJJ399XPR01 #contracted by HSC Critical Care Program (colour printer: we have access to it and it is located in Critical Care office area)
Concordia Hospital Office \\chxxmsfp0001 (network address) CHXXXEDUPR01 (printer name on network) SHARP MX-361ON PCL6
Grace Hospital Office \\ GGH1MSFP0002 ghdw2019pr01 HP Laserjet P4015X #Owned This printer was moved from VIC to GRA end of October 2018 with consolidation and closing of Vic as a data collection site. The program owned this printer. The original, old Gra printer in this office, HP LaserJet 1320, was removed by eHealth. It was not owned by our program.
Seven Oaks Hospital Office HP LaserJet CP3505x Template:Discussion
St Boniface Hospital Office (Medicine)/St Boniface Hospital Office (Critical Care) Local printer - shared with medicine office HP Laserjet 1320 with 1200 series drivers #Owned



  • All supplies are now through Konica
    • email the helpdesk at:
  • Phone number: 1-888-446-9677 – MYOPS
  • National Customer Support Centre is located in Mississauga, Ontario
    • Open Monday to Friday 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. ET.

eHealth Printer Optimizations Info =

determining your printer name and queue set up on your laptop

  1. click start menu, settings, printers and faxes
  2. your printer name and server would be something like SM340_1Q on hscprint1 where "SM340_1Q" is the printer name and "hscprint1" is the print server

setting up printers for all users

see HSCprintersetup.bat