S mapping lab table

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The S_group table in DSM Labs Consistency check.accdb contains the possible values of individual labs as imported from DSM. See Lab identification in the DSM data#individual record for more info how it is used.

Data Structure

field type description
Our_Lab_Name text destination column in L_Labs_DSM table
Their_Lab_Name text value in DSM Lab Extract
testCode type value in DSM Lab Extract
lastcount type count in the first set of data where this was encountered
admin Yes/No administrative only, was used during initial decisions which to include
unlikely Yes/No administrative only, was used during initial decisions which to include
date_listed Yes/No date lab test was first encountered and included in the list
CBC Yes/No
PT Yes/No
PTT Yes/No
INR Yes/No
Creatinine Yes/No
MG Yes/No
Troponin Yes/No
ABG Yes/No not used, not consistenly available in DSM data
Sputum_CS Yes/No not used, see S group table
Blood_CS Yes/No not used, see S group table
Urine_CS Yes/No not used, see S group table
__APACHE_RELATED__ text just a separator for the set of columns
AaDO2 Yes/No not used (that would be messy)
Arterial_pH Yes/No not used
PO2 Yes/No not used
SerCO2 Yes/No not used
Na Yes/No not used
K Yes/No not used
CREAT Yes/No Apache Creatinine, likely same as Creatinine
HCT Yes/No See CBC above? HCT%...
WBC Yes/No not used
__Garland__ text separator for the items Dr Garland initially wanted to discuss
Lactate Yes/No item Dr Garland initially wanted to include