Query check CCI TISS Intubation vs Intubated

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Data Integrity Checks
Summary: Any marked TISS Item in T28 - Planned extubation (TISS Item) or in T29 - Unplanned extubation (TISS Item) must have the T22 - ETT Present (TISS Item) on the same date.
Related: Insertion of ETT (TISS Item), Planned extubation (TISS Item), Unplanned extubation (TISS Item)
Firmness: hard check
Timing: always
App: CCMDB.accdb
Coding: query check_CCI_TISS_Intubation_vs_Intubated
Uses L Problem table: not relevant for this app
Status: implemented
Implementation Date: 2021-01-28
Backlogged: true
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implemented check details

If any of #intubation or extubation is present on a day, then at least one of #ETT or ventilation also need to be marked for that day.

intubation or extubation

ETT or ventilation

deferred / need discussion details

Julie had requested the following but there could be false positives; flagging for Task to decide if to defer or how to check.

  1. if previous date has no T22 - ETT Present (TISS Item) and today date has T22 - ETT Present (TISS Item) then T40 - Insertion of ETT (TISS Item) should be marked
    • not necessarily, could have been done in OR or elsewhere
  2. if previous date has T22 - ETT Present (TISS Item) and today date has no T22 - ETT Present (TISS Item) then previous date of the T29 - Unplanned extubation (TISS Item) or T28 - Planned extubation (TISS Item) should be entered
    • not necessarily, could have been done in OR or elsewhere
  3. if previous date has T22 - ETT Present (TISS Item) and today date has T22 - ETT Present (TISS Item) and T40 - Insertion of ETT (TISS Item) are marked then today date of T29 - Unplanned extubation (TISS Item) or T28 - Planned extubation (TISS Item) should be marked
    • not necessarily, could have been done in OR or elsewhere


  • 2021-01-28 - Query implemented

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