"Invalid procedure call or argument" when sending

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Revision as of 13:57, 2022 April 19 by Ttenbergen (talk | contribs)
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Laptop gets error

"Invalid procedure call or argument"

during sending.


For now the work-around is to just answer "no" to the network cable question.

Underlying causes

Specifically, the error happens when the following line of VBA is run:

Shell "netsh wlan disconnect"

likely the same applies to

Shell "netsh wlan connect name=""eHS-GPWifi"""

This doesn't explain why this is a problem on just this laptop.

  • added: 2022-04-13
  • action: 2022-04-13
  • Cargo

  • Categories


  • 2022-04-19
    • confirmed on Pam's laptop: there is no error if this is run from cmd, but there is an error if run from VBA; however it can be run from VBA on Tina's laptop (but Tina has additional rights) - emailed Brandon
    • email from Brandon, no new hardening policies have been applied recently, requesting error msg when run from cmd
  • 2022-04-19 - S5/Pam got the error as well
  • 2022-04-13
    • Tina launched incident INC000005255710 with helpesk. Ttenbergen 13:58, 2022 April 13 (CDT)
    • S7/Val got error as well
  • 2022-04-06 - H5/Lisa got the error when sending and launched INC000005245002
    • there were also some update messages that happened at the same time this started
    • desktop confirmed that the office install is fine and that the newest version of Windows is installed

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