Requested CCMDB changes for the next version

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see the Development Documentation Category for other development logs see TISS28.mdb Change Log for TISS28 Access Program changes

Priority Bug Fix

  • Data going missing? Ttenbergen 10:12, 2013 July 31 (CDT)
  • patients are not being sent to centralized* Ttenbergen 12:17, 2013 August 26 (CDT)

New change request

  • Tina...can you get the five times hitting okay for a long stay patient on discharge back down to a more reasonable one time again? You had fixed this problem a long time ago but it has started up again. Thanks,--CMarks 12:48, 2013 August 2 (CDT)
    • Will look into. Thanks for bringing it up. Ttenbergen 08:56, 2013 August 12 (CDT)
  • implement synching of deleting incomplete patients

update drugs pop-ups

  • as per Gail: "Just wondering if we could have more drugs popping up for vanco alternatives: linezolid (Zyvoxam), daptomycin (Cubicin), quinipristin/dalfopristin. My unit is using Daptomycin which we do count but it doesn't pop up on the laptop. "

See Drugs_Collected... Ttenbergen 12:20, 2013 August 26 (CDT)

order of columns in patient list

see Patient_List#Requested_Change

checks for minimal data admit/discharge

New data repository

Changes required for new data repository

  • only send month/year to centralized.mdb
  • change centralized.mdb to use d_id
    • update db
    • update queries
  • consider unique ids for e.g. diagnosis_id and how to reconcile them, likely loc_patid_dxid
    • see query Send_Centralized_L_Dxs_append_incomplete

Bug Fixes

see Category:Ready-to-fix bug for bugs with their own article

  • Fix PreChecker error
    • Message "Patient [ID] does not have a location entered and won't check out."
      • what needs to be fixed, sounds reasonable, no? Do any collectors remember what this is about?Ttenbergen 11:10, 2013 July 29 (CDT)
  • excel not opening at end of sending when using office 2010, problem is with missing path entry, might be overcome by starting other than with shell command. Ttenbergen 19:42, 2013 May 16 (EDT)
  • do additional error checking on the overstay questions to make sure one of each is present, or corresponding "missing"s. Ttenbergen 17:04, 2013 March 14 (EDT)

check timing problems

These are related to when checks run and how the events for usage work.

  • with reg already checked, was able to change discharge date to a future date and it didn't uncheck initially; it did catch on trying to final-check, so this is a low-grade bug, just should be fixed eventually. Only way for a bad date to go through is if it were changed after final-check had already been set. Ttenbergen 20:37, 2012 November 1 (EDT)
  • able to uncheck checkboxes without finalcheck unchecking. Need to determine if this could lead to bad data going through. Ttenbergen 14:45, 2012 May 22 (CDT)
  • if an error handler turns the dx tab yellow this is not automatically reset when a new patient is opened. Ttenbergen 13:15, 2012 October 31 (EDT)

Pre-send checker leaves ccmdb.mdb in ICU mode

When the pre-send checker triggers for a medicine patient, ccmdb.mdb is left in ICU "mode". see and discuss at ADL - now you see them now you don't

New projects

None currently Ttenbergen 11:05, 2013 July 29 (CDT)

Collection tool improvement requests

None currently Ttenbergen 16:19, 2013 May 22 (EDT)

Next Round of Data Changes

None currently Ttenbergen 15:03, 2013 March 11 (EDT)

Bugs that need input

See Category:Bugs needing input. In order to troubleshoot bugs in the program we need to know how they happen. There are a number of articles about known bugs we are trying to fix in Category:Bugs needing input. Any further feedback on these bugs might be the piece of the puzzle that allows me to fix the bug. If you find a new bug, you please document it.

Chinese in TMPV2

Chinese characters being sent to TmpV2 moved here because likely fixed, and if not, need more info. Ttenbergen 10:44, 2013 July 29 (CDT)

Overstay update for palliative patients

If I understood correctly at the data collector meeting we are going to make the following changes:

  • add a subcode to diagnosis Palliative Care#survival not expected to indicate survival is not expected.
    • can't proceed with this until the questions at the link above are addressed Template:Discussion
      • will take this to task group meeting.Trish Ostryzniuk 17:17, 2013 July 3 (CDT)
        • as per minutes from meeting: "TO raised the question of how to define and code “palliative care” in the Medicine Database. While Dr. Roberts desires this as an exclusion in the ward Overstay project, it is not entirely clear what information he is seeking, as the term can indicate a number of different concepts. Towards figuring out how to get that information, AG will send and email to Dr. Roberts to inquire." Ttenbergen 10:53, 2013 July 15 (CDT)

Changes Under Discussion

There are some possible changes identified that either need to be flagged as needing to be done, or where there is still a discussion going on.

See Category:Potential Change as well, this are only changes without a home article.

Pharmacy reference

  • reference sheet - some suggested we add a reference sheet. I could make a button on that screen to bring up a reference sheet. Problem is that would be at least the third copy of this information, leading to problems maintaining consistency. I would be willing to do it if we change the table with the info on the wiki to a plain-text formatted table that I can directly copy-and-paste into Access, e.g. something like
| test | second test|
| blah | blah blah  |
  • If someone could set up the table on the wiki I will make a form with the content in the app. Template:Discussion any volunteers? I could add this to the next version easily. Ttenbergen 16:41, 2013 April 24 (EDT)
    • No news in about a month. If anyone is interested in making that list, let me know and I'll put it into the CCMDB.mdb.

apache check no longer yellowing fields

Template:Potential Change

apache check is no longer yellowing fieldsTtenbergen 10:09, 10 January 2012 (CST)

  • yes, it is no longer yellowing the field, just the error box below. Can't find trace of the code, and not sure when it was changed. Ponder whether to re-instate, error checking is still being called and still prevents sending... Ttenbergen 17:13, 2012 January 31 (CST)
    • Do we want to re-implement this? Would take a few days of coding I think, so I haven't done it. Ttenbergen 16:58, 2012 October 1 (CDT)
      • not sure what you mean no longer yellowing fields. Do you mean where there is an error (limit) or missing data that is not yellowing? --Trish Ostryzniuk 19:13, 2013 January 28 (EST)
        • been a while, I'll review and let you know what this is about. Ttenbergen 13:55, 2013 January 29 (EST)

Pharmacy Tally

  • Would it be possible to have a line showing the cumulative totals of treatment days for the Pharm drugs collected in this field? (as in Labs)10:04, 2012 December 21 (EST)
    • How would this help with collection? I am asking to find out if there might be more to it. For example, are you trying to compare the summary to something else, maybe that can be built in as well. I just need to understand how you would use this. Ttenbergen 10:14, 2012 December 21 (EST)
      • moved this request here. If there are no further comments on it within 2 weeks then this section can please be delete by whoever stumbles on it next. Ttenbergen 16:28, 2013 March 11 (EDT)

Previous requests that were not addressed (with reasons)

Default location field to main collection location

There have been requests to default the location field to the main (or only) collection location. I could set this up, but defaulting these would increase the chances of the data just being left in there if a patient is an exception. Upon consultation with Trish it was decided not to risk an increase in errors to make this more convenient.

  • "There are a number of site collecting on 2 or more units using the same laptop. We get ward location entry error when there is a default location set." ... "--TOstryzniuk 12:25, 20 October 2010 (CDT)"

PS: If I enable defaulting for anywhere then I would not be able to disable defaulting for other locations, so it was decided not to have defaulting. Ttenbergen 12:44, 12 January 2011 (CST) I have, though, reduced the location list to only those wards at a given laptop's site. Ttenbergen 18:09, 14 July 2011 (CDT)

Cancel for Settings

change the settings form to have a save and a cancel button...

No can do. There are is a sb-form in settings form that would not be cancelled, so having a cancel would be misleading.

Off-line copy of wiki for laptop

see Wiki onto laptops

APACHE lab value limit change request

  • Apache upper limit for creatinine is 2968, which is based on the highest APACHE that was ever in database. STB has one pt with a creat of 3000 and has requested to change upper limit. Laura K. --TOstryzniuk 12:12, 6 July 2010 (CDT)
    • Decided to leave limits be and have collectors enter limit values and email Pagasa with real values when extreme values are encountered. Contacted Pagasa to let us know if such emails become too frequent. Ttenbergen 08:53, 12 July 2010 (CDT)