Labs collected list

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Revision as of 08:49, 2015 July 27 by Lpruden2 (talk | contribs)
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This article contains the list of lab or blood product items we collect. See Lab Collection Process for further info on how to collect these.

  • CBC
  • PT/PTT
  • Packed Cells
  • FFP (250ml=1)
  • Platelets - See article for collection instructions
  • Albumin 25%(100ml=1)
  • Albumin 5% (250ml=1)
  • Creatinine
  • MG
  • SGPT (ALT)
  • Troponin (TNT)
  • CXR

Template:Discussion Is anybody counting 2 views on CXR as a count of 2? Llovell 12:36, 2015 July 24 (CDT)

-NoGHall 12:46, 2015 July 24 (CDT)

-not me SCortilet 13:21, 2015 July 24

-No Pamela Piche 15:10, 2015 July 24 (CDT)

  • -No --LKolesar 17:50, 2015 July 26 (CDT)

Happens rarely 2 views are done but if it is 2 views than is it not 2 xrays? If we are counting blood cultures taken from 2 sites as 2 than shouldn't this be the same? And is we knew the reason the database needed the xrays ie costing or treatments for patient would that help with the question?--Dawna Marie Bieniarz 07:54, 2015 July 27 (CDT)

Not ever instructed to do so.--Lpruden2 08:49, 2015 July 27 (CDT)