Brain, primary malignancy

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ICD10 Diagnosis
Dx: Brain, primary malignancy
ICD10 code: C71
Pre-ICD10 counterpart: Brain CA
Charlson/ALERT Scale: Any malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
APACHE Como Component: none
APACHE Acute Component: none
Start Date:
Stop Date:
External ICD10 Documentation

This diagnosis is a part of ICD10 collection.

  • SMW
    • 2019-01-01
    • 2999-12-31
    • C71
  • Cargo

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  • SMW
  • Cargo

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Additional Info

  • A brain tumor occurs when abnormal cells form within the brain.

Excludes: benign brain tumors: code them as Central nervous system NOS, benign neoplasm}}

  • There are two main types of tumors: malignant or cancerous tumors and benign tumors.
    • Cancerous tumors can be divided into primary tumors that start within the brain, and secondary tumors that have spread from somewhere else, known as brain metastasis tumors.


  • The signs and symptoms of brain tumors are broad, and generally correspond to the area of the brain that they are located in. The brain is divided into 4 lobes, and each lobe or area has its own function. A tumor in any of these lobes may affect the area's performance. The location of the tumor is often linked to the symptoms experienced but each person may experience something different.
    • Frontal lobe tumors may contribute to poor reasoning, inappropriate social behavior, personality changes, poor planning, lower inhibition, and decreased production of speech (Broca's area).
    • Temporal lobe: Tumors in this lobe may contribute to poor memory, loss of hearing, difficulty in language comprehension (Wernicke's area).
    • Parietal lobe: Tumors here may result in poor interpretation of languages, decreased sense of touch and pain, and poor spatial and visual perception.
    • Occipital lobe: Damage to this lobe may result in poor or loss of vision.
    • Cerebellum: Tumors in this area may cause poor balance, muscle movement, and posture.
    • Brain stem: Tumors on this can affect blood pressure, swallowing, and heartbeat.

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